You say something enough, you begin to believe it.
The phrase "The Truth"
by lepermessiah 35 Replies latest jw friends
jonathan dough
Then ask them, "are you telling me you are in Jesus, and Jesus is in you?"
That can be a real show stopper.
How is that? Is that question addressed to JWs or Christians?
J D. I think Kurt meant that you address that question to Dubs. A christian would have no problem with it, they would just reply "of course, he is in me,and me in him"
the Dubs though would be stumped, how on earth do they reply without denying the truth of what Jesus says ?
I think Kurt has hit on a"Silver Bullet" question.
Then ask them, "are you telling me you are in Jesus, and Jesus is in you?"
I actually have used this. I just got the 'deer in headlights look'.
If they are in Jesus they would then be part of the 144,000. No?
Watchtower claiming to be the "truth", w hat an enormous insult to Jesus.
Yes, Wobble got the concept of what I was thinking.
Does anyone else recall something coming out about 10 years ago, that JW's should stop saying "I am in the truth" but rather the correct term was I've got the truth? Everybody made a huge deal about it for a few months, but after noticing that nobody could shake the old habit it was dropped and things just went back to how it was. I'm pretty sure something was printed as well.
what's true is true. What's not isn't.
Throughout my childhood my mother used the term, still does. For some reason it never sounded like correct grammer. To casually throw around 'The Truth' always felt folksy and common. 'Is so and so in the Truth?' I suppose I was kind of a 'nose in the air' JW and I don't recall the WTBS using the phrase in the literature. I seem to remember we were counseled not to use it in the Ministry School. I would use Bro or Sister or just Witness or Christian. I did use it if others said it first but never to a nonJW.
The other thing my mother drummed into me was that the FDS were just ordinary men. They are used by Jehovah but are imperfect and make mistakes. So I concluded 'who are we to say that only we know the Truth about God. Way to arrogant even for me the uppity one. So no it hasn't be difficult to stop using it.
These days my favorite phrase is 'the truth about the Troof'
For some reason it never sounded like correct grammer
I know what you mean. In English at least, the noun, "Truth" describes the quality or state of being true. It does not describe a physical object that you can "Have" or "Be in." JW speak is not actually bad grammar, but it is not a correct usage of the word either. So to normal people, it does sound wrong.
The term "The Truth" is not limitd to the JW's, I know several groups who use the term to refer to their doctrinal views.