Has any other GB member achieved a university degree aside from Lloyd Barry?

by DNCall 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • DNCall

    I can't think of one. Anyone . . . anyone . . .

  • tenyearsafter

    I think Freddie went to college, but dropped out after 2 years. Other than the esteemed Mr. Franz, I can't think of anyone.

  • lrkr

    What was Barry's degree in?? Japanese?

  • dissed

    Do correspondence schools count? Purchased diplomas? Honorary degrees?

    Oh, not even one of those?

    Of course, few of them have never had a paying job in their whole life, so why would they need a degree to lead a nation of window washers and janitors?

  • lrkr

    How about "Judge" Rutherford. I'm guessing he had a college degree.

  • dissed

    But the Judge wasn't a GB, he was more like the Pope, President, and Dictator all rolled up in one.

  • tenyearsafter

    Good point lrkr...Rutherford was an attorney so he would have to have a degree. He was a forerunner of the GB, so I guess that would count.

  • VM44

    RUtherford went to a Business College (or school) and learned stenography.

    Not quite the same as attending a four year college.

  • slimboyfat

    fjtoth said the following about Albert Schroeder:

    "Bert" was one of my "overseers" at Brooklyn Bethel when I worked in the Gilead Office. Your comments are right on. He pretended to be a man of compassion and understanding, but was treacherously far from it. My basic memory of him is that he was puffed up with his own self-importance. He walked around the place as if he were some sort of army commander or prince among men. Not a very humble posture or bearing. He had a somewhat superstitious view of persons who professed to be of "the anointed." One time we were walking behind such a person, and Bert said to us in a voice a bit louder than a whisper, as if awestruck, "He's one of the anointed!" I was his chauffer at times, and it was obvious that he had something that seemed like a disdain for those of the "other sheep" who had good suggestions to offer. He'd actually pretend to fall asleep while they were talking.

    I feel he was a better speaker than some others on the governing body, but I attribute that to his university education--an education that was hypocritically denied to millions of the rest of us by men such as him in leadership positions within the organization. He told me that he was invited to Bethel while he was attending university, and Rutherford told him to come immediately or forget about the invitation. Bert chose to finish his university course, and the Judge later invited him to Bethel anyway. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/109366/1/Bro-Schroeder-dies

  • dozy

    Albert's son , Judah Ben Schroeder , and his wife Amber went to Columbia University to study law. http://www.columbiaclub.org/Newsletters_columbia/CUCNY-enotes/092006.html

    The WTS more tolerant view of college in the early 90's is widely attributed to Albert Schroeder's influence. As he aged and after his death , of course , the new hardline anti higher education policy was reinstated.

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