Congregation "Bible Study" Comments - Week Commencing 7 December 2009

by LUKEWARM 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Those Patterson pictures looked like black and white photos of the inside of a cruise ship. I say black and white because the color scheme is the only thing modest about that place. That letter on display in the Patterson loby was truly creature worship and a disgusting display. It's not modest like they preach for the rest of us to be. And my gramma kept my grampa's urn at home so it wouldn't draw attention to him. He didn't want to be the focus at his own memorial. Geez. She thought that was what Jehovah wanted.

  • Mary
    Some customs that may appear innocent may have their roots in Babylonish practices that are supposed to bring 'good luck' to the bridal couple or their guests. (Isaiah 65:11) One such tradition involves the throwing of rice or its substitutes.....Clearly, all who want to remain in God's love will shun such tainted customs

    Wow......good thing Jehovah's Witnesses are consistent in their shunning of "such tainted customs like wearing a wedding ring:

    "The custom of giving a wedding ring dates back to the ancient Romans....Wearing the wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand is another old custom. People once thought that a vein or nerve ran directly from this finger to the heart."----The World Book Encyclopedia, vol. 13, 2000, p. 221

    or having a wedding cake:

    "The wedding cake has its origins far back in time....In Rome the early marriage rite was called conferreatio from the cake of wheat...which the couple first offered to the gods, then ate together." --- The Encyclopedia Americana, vol. 28, 1999, p. 565

    Or having the bride wear a veil or have bridesmaids:

    "Although for Americans covering the bride's face with a veil has come to represent innocence and purity, the practice was originally used in other cultures as protection from harm or molestation and was one of many rituals adopted out of concern for the happiness, safety, and fertility of the bride and groom....raised chairs, red carpets, special shoes and other forms of insulation or protection have been used to defend against malicious spirits on the ground....The current Western practice of having a bridal party to attend the couple evolved from a Roman tradition, in which the bridesmaids and ushers dressed exactly like the bride and groom, to protect the wedding couple by confusing evil spirits"------ Something Old, Something New-Ethnic Weddings in America, (Philadelphia, PA: The Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies, 1987), p. 8

  • FreeAtLast1914

    Add to the list: Flowers and the Honeymoon, both of which have links to a pagan past. And don't forget that JWs are allowed to say '"fortunately" but not "good luck"; which is strange since the origin of the phrase "fortunately" lies with old Lady Luck. The June 8, 1992 Awake: "She was called Fortuna by the Romans, and the city of Rome eventually had 26 temples erected in her honor."


    And forget about the pagan history of the utterance "Amen", the ritual of baptism, the Lord's Evening Meal, fireworks, Luaus, playing cards, theaters, basketball, Feng Shui, wind chimes, bouquets of roses, blinis (pancakes), embalming, eating of chocolate, etc.

    As Dr. Alexander Wilder states ("The Christ", John Remsburg, chapter 10): "There is not a fast or festival, procession or sacrament, social custom or religious symbol, existing at the present day which has not been taken bodily from Phallism, or from some successive system of Paganism."

    I couldn't have put it better myself.

  • Lillith26

    Cheers Guys & Gals , just throw confette instead of rice (rice swells up in birds stomachs and can make them very sick), if you must throw food- do it at the reception if you get board and scream out "Food Fight"!

    Food Fight

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