Russian court rules against JWs
by Mickey mouse 30 Replies latest jw friends
Mickey mouse
I'm not so sure isaac. Brooklyn will cry "persecution" again and as ever it will be the JWs in Russia that suffer.
True Mickey, I should temper that excitement...I hope it does not wreak of the Malawi situation.
Too many innocent Russian JWs will suffer because of this fascist ruling. I feel very sorry for the children especially. This is awful.
jonathan dough
I have to side with the JWs on this one. This is a horrible decision. Really sickening. Deplorable.... all those words.
And any real American here who agrees with this ruling should just pack up and move on over to Moscow. Time to embargo those Vodka swilling fascists. Time for U.N. sanctions. All right, Flipper, your turn. I think we've been through this one before.
got this in an email today
TO: those who received this 'message' about russia - - -
tell these people to PLEASE stop sending out what is NOT PUBLISHED ! ! !
what was published is the following:
we ARE to pray for:
1- jehovah's kingdom to come,
2- jehovah's will to be done,
3- jehovah's name to be sanctified,
4- this system to be ended for evermore.
NONE of this will happen unless and until the powers attack US:
not each other: us, you me and everyone who claims to be one
of Jehovah's named witnesses.
these govt agencies MUST do as they are told, even as invisible
forces are pushing them to do so. we ask for them to do as jesus
told iscariot: 'This thing you are about to do, do it more quickly.'
- - John 13:27 - -
Jehovah has told us that before this end, we WILL, we MUST be persecuted.
- - 2 Timothy 3:12; John 15:19, 20; Matt. 5:11 - -
if we are NOT persecuted, then, according to the above listed verses,
we are NOT jehovah's true congregation.
but, should we not pray for those persecuted? sure, that everyone
knows, but to what end?
that the NAME of god be fully manifested; that his power, not the
power of the lawyers, be manifested;that the brothers [and sisters!]
be able to endure the persecution and CONTINUE in the work.
note: persecution usually falls flat on its face. what happened when
the 1st century congregation was persecuted?
they moved. - - mat 10:23 - -
and that was GREAT for the christian congregation. this christian
/diaspora/ made for phenomenal growth.
if the huge congregations in moscow & st petersburg are disbursed,
what would that do for the preaching work? we would grow like mad.
maybe you could use the CD and read the experiences of the brothers in
USSR & like-minded nations, and how sending the brothers to 'isolate
them' actually worked towards Jehovah's goal of preaching & teaching,
and making disciples all over one HUGE territory!
next point.
read the following watchtower. ALL of it.
*** w76 5/1 p. 278 Not Holding Our Lives Too Dear ***
the banning of our work means NOTHING. it has since i started vacation
pioneering in 1965.
it meant nothing when hitler banned us in the late 30's.
it meant nothing in 1917 when we were banned in the usa & canada.
the following paragraph and 'points' are FALSE.
===== Begin quote:
> It was mentioned from the table the need for all of
> Jehovah's people to pray that this ruling will be
> overthrown. If the Supreme Court wins this case it
> would mean:
> (1) The Liquidation of the Branch Facility
> (2) Meetings would cease
> (3) Publication printing would cease
> (4) Lit. Dist. would cease
> (5) Preaching work would cease
end quote =====
brothers, sisters, A N A L Y Z E those statements.
it would simply be transferred
do you have YOUR worship night?
or, underground. could YOU Print the wt/ lv/ bt from your computer?
4- we would STILL bring mags from where ever the branch was
relocated to wherever the need exists.
* * * actually, this post is almost apostate. * * *
we have been unde -
Leaving aside the issues/scandals of the JWs...this is not good news for any anyone who wants freedom to believe as they want. It starts by banning "extreme" groups then over time they start banning the more benign groups until one day there is only one state religion run by the government as a ploy to control the people.
I'd much rather fight the oppression of a cult like religion over freedom of thought and action than fight an oppressive government with military and police at their disposal.
I don't see a problem with watchtower assets being siezed. As for the ban on many publications, it's not surprising. You can't go around spewing that all the governments and religions are evil and controlled by satan and will soon be destroyed and expect no consequences. That's idiotic. One of the first things I learned in the schoolyard is that offending people often ends in a good beating. Evidently many JWs, even as adults, never learned the same lesson. After all their bans, you would think someone would grow a brain.
They can still believe what they like. They just need to learn to keep their mouths shut and stop offending people.
And calling a lot of their literature extremist isn't altogether inaccurate.
jonathan dough
Leaving aside the issues/scandals of the JWs...this is not good news for any anyone who wants freedom to believe as they want. It starts by banning "extreme" groups then over time they start banning the more benign groups until one day there is only one state religion run by the government as a ploy to control the people.
I'd much rather fight the oppression of a cult like religion over freedom of thought and action than fight an oppressive government with military and police at their disposal.
Well spoken.