Were You Joyful When A Meeting Had To Be Canceled?

by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I was clapping and jumping up and down!

  • asilentone

    no or my Dad will question me for hating the meetings.

  • awildflower

    Loved it, but remember during an announcement about a meeting coming up to be canceled that we would all put on kind of a fake frown or something when secretly everyone was glad! Especially when Thursday night meeting would get canceled before the assembly weekend. Party time! .............wf

  • Casper

    We would be estatic !!!

    We would do as Sacolton, jump into our PJ's and have snacks and movie night. Some of the best memories ever, because for one thing, there was NO guilt involved.

    There is just something so wrong with a religion that makes it's members jump for joy to miss a meeting.


  • Iwonder17

    HELL YES. It is winter time where I live now and I pray for snow on Tuesday evenings

  • awildflower

    You nailed it Casper, no guilt involved when we felt so guilty about everything. If there are any 'thinking' jw's out here, it would serve as a red flag if your secretly loving the meetings to be canceled. Think about it.

  • wanderlustguy

    Does Minimus ask questions?

  • EmptyInside

    Yes, I was usually relieved. But,if the weather was really bad, it didn't matter whether or not the meeting was canceled, I wasn't going to risk it anyway. I know a brother, when his hall and others around him canceled their meeting, he found a hall that didn't cancel that Sunday, and went to their meeting.

  • independent_tre

    yes.. always a pleasant surprise. But then you had a lot of overconcerned friends that were offering you the time of another congregation where you can make up the missed meeting. Yeah right!

  • Out at Last!
    Out at Last!

    In our cong when a meeting was canceled they rescheduled it. If the Thur meeting was canceled, they had it on Sat. I didn't go to that one either.

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