Yes. Me. I have not been DF'd nor DA'd. Stopped going to meetings 4 years ago.
My wife and I separated at that time, but are now happily together almost 3 years - so there was a 1 year there that all kinds of rumors/observations of me with another woman... I rec'd a few emails, and a few initial phone messages the first couple of months - but nothing since.
immediate family - mom/dad, brother, inlaws have kept their distance from me - and now from all of us since none of us go to meetings and have totally driven religion out of our lives.
so it depends on how aggressive the local body is and if they really care. IMO the assumption is that we no longer recognize ourselves as JWs and do not cause any trouble with the congregation - so no need to take action. If we ever go back (hardly!) then I will have to face the music...
Since this is my first post - part time lurcher the past several years - I dont want to hijack this thread. If there is any interest in my bio - I can post it later...
By the way, I have appreciated all the folks on this site for years and feel close to you - even though we don't even know one another.
- AN