just a short info: my wife is not aware of me being here, and its not the time to tell her yet.
however, I time and again raise questions or even disagreement with some teachings of the WTS, and she readily accepts them, but still believes, it is "the truth"
But the other day, she talked about the anointed, the number going up, instead of down, and even saying, that maybe the number 144.000 is not literal after all, but maybe symbolic like everything else in Revelation.
I said, I would not be surprised, if "new light" comes sooner or later.
She said, that the term "new light" seems overused,
I realised my chance, and put this thought deeper, example "generation" teaching, how it went from new, to newer, and back to older teachings etc..
I was surprised at her opening up in this way...
Later she said, that she feels bad, like an apostate, by questioning the GB..., but doesnt Jehoivah want us to do that ?
I readily agreed, and did not push the matter further.
I know, it is a little step forward, well actually it was quite a leap, but I know, that she will regret it, and step back once again....
How should I continue ?