I have got the impression on here that Jaraqz and the GB Gang don't actually go door to door in Field Service. It has aslo been stated that "Judge" Rutherford, who instigated it, didn't do it either.
Is this true? Can anyone confirm it?
by nugget 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I have got the impression on here that Jaraqz and the GB Gang don't actually go door to door in Field Service. It has aslo been stated that "Judge" Rutherford, who instigated it, didn't do it either.
Is this true? Can anyone confirm it?
This was my question not nuggets! She wouldn't ask such stupid things.
The only one I ever talked about it with was old Schroeder way back in around 1970 while at congregation overseer school. He claimed that he did FS on occasion (claimed to have a bible study, in fact) but I got the impression that it was NOT cold door to door work.
There were about four congregations going to this giant kingdom hall in Pittsburgh PA where the school was and he was assigned. I think that he went out with one or another of hand-picked people in these congs occasionally and cherry-picked easy return visits and bible studies.
I got the impression from him that he was rather proud of this and (by that connection) that he thought he was the only GB member (well, this was before the formal GB, but I mean of the elite of the day and future GB) that even made that much effort. His wife was, I believe, a regular pioneer while they were in PA and went out with the ladies of the local congregations.
Someone just recently said that Lyman Swingle went door to door. Elsewhere on this board it has been said that Dan Sydlik went door to door.
Remember that when old Schroeder was back at Bethel and had a completely disabling stoke they used to pin a WT or Awake to the front of his clothes and wheel him out on the sidewalk in front of the building so he could "get his time".
I also remember somebody asking in that overseer's school if Knorr went door to door and this person was abruptly told that the question was obviously disrespectful and the instructor (Davis, not Schroeder) turned it around and tried to embarrass the guy by asking why he would ask such a thing in the first place!!!
Yes, from what I've seen, the current gang do d2d and informal witnessing... well, as much as their jet-setting lifestyles will allow them.
But to my recollection, none of them have had any outstanding experiences published. I think that tells us something about "angelic direction".
In about 1963 I traveled with Knorr during a KH dedication event. He was pressed to go in service with the congregation the morning of the scheduled dedication talk. He agreed, and we met with the group.
Knorr and I were put in an one of those old wagons that had a third seat way in the back. Seven grown men were smashed together. Two in front, three in the middle and two in the back. I was in the back. There was an awkward moment when we arrived at the territory. The five local men were all anxious to work with Knorr. I was just carry-on baggage, which was fine by me. Knorr beat everyone to the punch. He said, "All you men are probably better at door-to-door work than I am because you get to do it all the time. So don't expect to learn anything from me. In fact, because we can cover more ground working individuallly, we should work as singles rather than in pairs." So everyone went their merry way, working alone. It lasted about 45 minutes as I recall. Knorr was first back to the auto. He was standing there waiting when I arrived on the heals of some others. We left for coffee and that was that. The grand event was over for the locals.
That evening the local wig and Knorr had a few drinks before the dedication program. I forget the details, but the two had some history together from some past missionary assignment.
Marvin Shilmer
Ray Franz addressed this issue in his book "In Search of Christian Freedom". In the book on page 200 Raymond Franz writes:
"During my experience there [Bethel] several members of the GB only rarely engaged in field service. Indeed, most of them did not attend the Tuesday night Book studies from where this was organized, and thus did not share in group service from those locations. This was particularly true of Nathan Knorr, Fred Franz, Grant Suiter, Milton Henschel. Many at [Bethel] headquarters were as cognizant of this as I was"
Regarding the question of Rutherford's participation in the d-t-d activity, Franz writes: "There is no evidence that Rutherford himself ever took any part in this door-to-door work. Based on expressions made by my uncle, Fred Franz and others, it appears that when inquiry when made about this, the answer given was that his "responsibilities as president did not permit his engaging in this activity". Thus he could at best say, "Do as I say, not as I do. " [page 192]
"Nor is it ever mentioned [in Watchtower literature] that Rutherford himself did not engage in the door-to-door activity" [page 442].
The relative absence of door-knocking by those in higher up positions in JW land simply follows the well known physical law:
The higher you elevate yourself above others, the less often your feet touch the ground.
Kind of reminds you how Hitler stated at the last days of the Bunker that regretfully he could not go join the men on the collapsing front lines "because it would not be dignified for the Fuerer".