Honestly, how can you love anyone without seeing them? "God" comes to mind.
How's It Possible To "Love" Someone You've Never Seen Or Heard?
by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends
I've always wondered this myself. Especially where God is concerned because I see at least 2 distinct personalities represented in the Bible -- vengeful God and loving God. Hmmm.... maybe God has DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder).
(Now which one should I love?)
At least a billion people do it with ease.
I don't know, I love lots of women that I have chatted with on the internet but I have not seen or heard them.
It's a virus that affects the mind and spreads like wildfire. In the mind, it creates the love chemicals.
Define Love first of all,,if your referring to that warm fuzzy feeling I'm sure someone could develop it for some one they have never seen of heard but that type of love would have to be formed on hear say.
I met a person out in field service that would well up in tears just at the very mention of God so depending on how you define love I would say yes it is possible to get the warm fuzzes just at the mention of the word "God".
Now there are people that claim to love God and also claim to have an intimate relationship with God. Needless to say such a relationship is based on pure imagination and indoctrination. Is it love? If they say it is who am I to doubt them? If they feel all warm and fuzzy toward an invisible imaginary friend and they say they love him it is true for them and the way they define love as a feeling.
Me personally I don't really understand what love is even though I feel for people,, and basically wish them well, share their joy and sadness and will help them in their time of need as best I can. To some people when they say they love someone what they really mean is that they have an addiction for that person or that they want that person. It all comes down to what you think love is.
Ask Helen Keller.
Helen had a physical interaction.
The apostle John makes an interesting statement at 1 John 4:20.
20 If anyone makes the statement: “I love God,” and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving God, whom he has not seen.
Though I have never seen you or heard your voice, I love you Minimus.