Is it Illegal to....
by brainwashed-from-birth 16 Replies latest jw friends
well i don't know about the US, but in the UK the police just would not be interested, they have their hands full of real crime as it is
I seem to recall someone doing that at one time, can't remember were now.
They put a decorated tree on the roof right above the entrance and a big sign saying "Merry Christmas."
I seem to recall they did it on a weekend that the JWs were away at a Circuit Assembly.
So it was up there for nearly a week. -
Deputy Dog
I think Halloween would be a better holiday to do this for.
Bear in mind that your decorations would probably be wasted, since the witlesses would throw them out. But, if you are a member of the congregation and you do not damage the Kingdumb Hell in any way, you are not committing a crime.
Either way, they are in for some embarrassment. Imagine a church having the cops respond because someone put up some Christmas decorations--a Christian church at that--and it's not yet Christmas. Or, when the witlesses go to take the decorations down before the holiday, it is bound to bring shame and reproach on Jehovah's name doing so. And, if you are using strong suction cups or Command adhesive strips to hang stuff from, you are going to do no damage by putting things up.
However, if you have to start putting holes in the walls in order to rig up decorations, then they can get you for vandalizing the building.
do it up! great idea!!!!! pics or it didnt happen tho :)