Hi acolytes... it helps to do as Grace does.
I have come to understand the Bible as a book that was written by men (yeah, where are the women's contributions? ) who had their own thoughts about God and wrote them down. It is definitely a book about control. If you step back and start analyzing what is written as well as who has interpretted it which ways, you can see that there are many flaws in logic, and in alignment. There are definite contradictions.
A key scripture for me is 1 Thessalonians 5:21: "Prove all things; hold fast to that which is good." -- KJV. I have yet to have anyone prove that God exists. I find it very humourous and ironic that the very supposed word of God instructs us to do something no one has ever been able to do. I tell people now that I don't 'believe'.... I 'hope'. I hope that the good things in the Bible that are promised will be fulfilled. This is all I can do. Without proof, how can one believe?
The very end of the Bible has 2 more key scriptures for me, Revelation 22:18-19. I see this as a warning to us that the Bible was/is expected to be and has been altered. My mind says to me ... 'Hmmm. So how can you trust what's in it then?" My conclusion: Take the Bible with a huge grain of salt.
My barometer now is that if it isn't a True North Principle... if it doesn't align with "The Laws of Life" I don't put any stock in it. There is much in the Bible that does not align with this. But when it does, I 'hold fast' to it.