Heard a few rumblings from my JW contacts that there are special public edition Watchtower & Awakes to coincide with the Memorial / Easter time 2010. The theme is very much Jesus oriented - picture of him on the front cover etc. Publishers will be encouraged to order extra copies for the field. I don't think there is any Memorial invitation distribution planned - this seems to replace that. No doubt there will be the usual "pioneer in the spring" campaign as well.
Special edition Watchtower / Awakes for the spring
by dozy 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hmmm... sounds like they've been reading too many of us on JWN saying they focus far too much on Jehovah and leave Jesus in the background.
For the JWs every "memorialâ„¢ season" is "special". There is the memorialâ„¢ itself, a "special" talk, "special" magazines, and a "special" month of activity where everyone is encouraged to auxiliary pioneerâ„¢. Nothing new about this; they've done it every spring for as long as I can remember.
Once it's over they'll still be as insignificant as ever.
Hmmm... sounds like they've been reading too many of us on JWN saying they focus far too much on Jehovah and leave Jesus in the background.
No, they do this every year. It's like Christmas for other religion. They mention Jesus a couple of times in a specific time of year, then they're free to forget him for the rest of the year.
They have been having more and more of these "special campaigns".....
Kingdom News, Memorial Invites, Convention Invites, etc......
I was getting pissed the last couple of years I was active because all I could think of was "SAVE A TREE ALREADY"!
We would canvas the neighborhoods with literally THOUSANDS of those stupid invites, and NOT ONE SOUL would show up from off the street - LOL!
Indeed, how many "special" can you cram in, before the special becomes banal? Never could understand the "special assembly day" either... it was something regular, so why call it special?
They have to mix up the "specials" to make the members feel a fake excitement.
They already had special invitations, they have had special flyers (Kingdom News), it has been a long time since they had special issues of the mags. I imagine there will be a special reminder that the members can show their appreciation by donating for the special mags. -
I thought they were going to put the Study Edition of the Watchtower in pdf format on www.jw.org
This is just a way to waste 32 times more paper per householder than with a single sheet of paper. You get a whole washtowel and a whole Asleep!, with the same boring crap you found in the single page waste of paper--more boring than ever. Sure, they are going to be pio-sneering the whole spring away.
What a waste!
Will this be ADDITIONAL public Awake & WT, or simply the ones they usually print, calling them special, while saving on not printing invitiations? Is this cost-cutting?