Going Down Without Guilt.

by Englishman 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Lots of posts lately about oral sex. Natural or perverted? Normal or disgusting stuff? Turn-on, turn-off? But maybe there is an answer..

    Supposing that 2 people who love each other deeply have never heard about oral sex. Over a period of months their love intensifies and goes from hand-holding to kissing to cuddling to bed to full sex. Then what? Does the man then begin to kiss his wife's boobies, her stomach, her thighs and then her really interesting bits? Does she do the same to him, does she gently kiss his pecker and leave it at that, or is she inclined towards a bit of a nibble?

    See what I mean, you can't say until it happens to you. Some people would be repelled at the idea, just like Ray Franz who says in COC that it is disgusting in his opinion. Some need to have it done to them to kick-start the inclination. Some get turned on eating a stick of Blackpool rock. Some love it, some hate it, some can only give it, some can only take it, some give and take it seperately but hate 69. And on it goes..

    One thing I'm sure of, the choice of whether or not to do it ain't got nothin' to do with religion. It's a personal thing, no rights, no wrongs.

    And especially no guilt!


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • SixofNine

    Amen brother. Amen.

  • Sky

    YOu mean its a sexual thing?
    My ex always told me it was for proper oral hygene... flouride or something...
    I gotta quit believing these men! humph!
    (i did like it though... hmmmmmm)

  • flower

    adult board discussion if ever i saw one.

  • Mindchild

    It is also very much a cultural thing too. I've read sociological studies about oral sex in different regions of the USA, and while there are a lot of people who relocate all around the country, there are clear patterns of group behavior of what is culturally acceptable. For instance, in Utah, where the Mormon population is quite large, it is a big no-no and the same for many Bible belt states. In California though, it might be as common as brushing your teeth (well maybe this is an overstatement) but it is much more prevailent in liberally minded areas.

    Don't know what things are like in the UK but Aussies know how to have a good time and of course the Eastern cultures are way ahead of many others in their pursuit of sexual enjoyment.


  • ThiChi

    As an Elder, I remember being called to a home where the wife did not want to give OS to her un-baptized husband (he was studying at the time) and he was very upset at her. I was a new Elder, and I did all I could from keeping a smirk off my face while watching both of them go at it.

    The “elder” Elder, after they both finished why/why not OS should be allowed, stated that it was not the Elder’s place to get involved with this personal decision, however, he added, “if your wife does not want to have her husband’s bathroom instrument placed into her mouth, then that is something to consider.” lol

    “Cancel my subscription to the resurrection. Send my credentials to the House of Detention, I got some friends inside.....” The Doors

  • dubla

    lol @ "bathroom instrument"


  • alfie

    My bathroom instrument is a karaoke machine

  • Reborn2002

    ROFLMMFAO (For those that cant decipher the acronym, too bad)

    I have to agree with Flower, this is DEFINITELY an Adult-Oriented Discussion. Alas, some of these posts are nothing short of hysterical.

    Since Ive been freed from the horrific chains to the entity referred to as The Borg, my motto to the ladies.. "NO HEAD, NO BED"

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and practice. It really is a matter of personal conscience between loving partners to determine what is or is not acceptable as a display of affection or intimacy. Mindchild is also correct, it usually is a matter of culture and upbringing. But damn! LOL "Bathroom instrument"??? That has to be one of the funniest Elder stories I have ever heard.

    The true Kingdom of God is located in your heart, not an organization of hypocrites.

    www.geocities.com/latinloverchicago/Jason1.html for my new webpage and info!! Im trying to live now!!

  • ashitaka

    At nine years old my mother-in-law told my wife, "Remember when your older, never let a boy stick his penis in your mouth."

    My wife says, while laughing about it, that she was near vomiting at the time.

    Matter of factly, her mother said it. Safe to say, from that day on, my wife wondered what sex, and oral sex was all about.

    It's so simple. Do what you want, if THEY (your partner) wants it. Self-sacrifice in marriage (or relationships), is the only way to go. Their pleasure, not yours.

    Aye, no guilt.

    Oral sex: natural, normal, and nobody's f**king business!!!(Tounge in cheek)


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