Baptism numbers decreasing?

by Mattieu 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mattieu

    The last 3 weekends have seen 3 circuit ASSemblies in Victoria with over 1000 attending each circuit. Yet only 10 baptised over the last 3 weeks, including 3 last weekend. I can remember a few years ago when only 1 bro was baptised at a 2 day convention.

    It’s funny, when 10-20 were being baptised at each circuit assembly back in the 1980’s & early 90’s it was always brought out that this was a sign of Jehovah’s blessing upon the org. Yet when the numbers are low they never say it’s a sign that Jah isn’t happy with the org, but find a scripture to relate a fulfilment of prophecy to low baptism figures.......

    What is happening in your area? Is it just something local to Oz or is it hopefully a worldwide thing?


  • Alwayshere

    Most that are getting Baptized here are the children of the JWs. two were only 11 years old.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    From what I hear as I don"t attend, 1-3 at the last few assemblies

  • WTWizard

    I can remember seeing 8 baptisms at one a$$embly, after two were baptized at the previous a$$embly, just within my former congregation. Most everyone in my former congregation that was not born in or long-term was baptized between 1980 and 1993, when things began rapidly drying up. Now it's mostly children that are born in, some as young as 6, that get pressured with "If you don't get baptized, you are going to die at Armageddon".

  • alanv

    Here in the U K there were just 14 more baptised this service year to last year. Certainly nothing like the increases in the past.

  • nugget

    I wonder if it has reached the point yet in the US and UK where numbers fading / being kicked out is higher than those being Baptised / reinstated?

    That will be a sign of the end ..............of the Borg!

  • cantleave

    Sorry last comment was by me - not nugget

  • dozy

    I can see the time coming ( especially in western lands ) when baptisms are only done at district assemblies and (maybe) circuit assemblies.

  • moshe

    it was common to have 40-50 baptized at circuit assemblies before 1976- the WT org can make all the excuses they want- as liars may figure but figures don't lie.

  • Iwonder17

    Went to assembly a few weeks ago, only 4...usually 10-12 in my circuit.

    As Jim Carey would say in the movie "Cable Guy"

    DOWN DOWN DOWN, the red knight's goin' Down !!! ( scene at midevil times....) yeah, I'm a geek

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