Somthing thats beenpuzzling me... Is the Gb as brain washed as the R&F or are they actualy aware of how wrong they are? If they are aware then that would make them very evil as the deception of their flock is then caluated. But do they actualy belive the crap they put out?
Is the GB brainwashed?
by highdose 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
In my opinion their are no redeeming aspects to their guilt. It will be interesting how this thread may find ecsquses for them-
I think you would need to talk with them,in a relaxed situation, to find out how much they really know about the extent of the Bull**it.
But if you think about it,they are there when decisions are made about doctrine etc. they must have to exercise a great amount of Cognitive Dissonance anyway, just to continue.
But I believe the position they have got,and the power, is too much to give up, none have the integrity ,humility and honesty of Ray Franz.
As has been said before, they are victims of victims,they might not be quite so brainwashed as before they became a GB member, but they make themselves believe a good chunk of it, so they can hang on to the life of Reilly.
The corporate men behind them, who control both cash and policy,and influence the Writing team, are a different kind of pondlife, they know the score, and how to score big bucks.
When a person feals they have the right to infringe upon anothers spirituality they are guilty of trying to control that person.
Anyhead of any organisation is" Brainwashed" to some degree. They are still held accountable for the consequences of their actions.
Sadly for some reasons heads of religeouse organisations can get away with MURDER and are not held accountable.
To me the GB have killed many of their members and destroyed many lifes and families through their policies.
My personal fight has always been with the Elders in my former congregation.Because I feal its personal with them. I know they dont believe but crave the power.And I know the blood guilt and ruining of lifes doesnt bother them. They clearly have desencetised their concience same as the G.B.
I do believe that the GB are true believers.
Ray Franz did not choose to leave Bethel but was asked to leave. He was not df'd at that time. Later he associated with a local congregation in Georgia. Then after having dinner with a da'd jw friend and his employer, he was then df'd.
I think it takes many unchristian actions and deeper study of the teachings of the WTS before a person's eyes are opened. Most of the GB are not deep thinkers or deep students of the Bble.
I like your question. Not so long ago, I asked if the GB was evil liars or if they were duped ones leading the duped ones.
Much of what they do and decide is deliberate misleading, but I am not fully convinced that they mislead for evil reasons.
I think that they mislead to protect the organization. They believe alot of their own crap about being "chosen" by God.Brainwashing is a term that grew popular because of THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE and HELTER SKELTER and stuff like that.
People assume that brainwashing causes people to become robots or killers.
Mind control and brainwashing are essentially the same thing, but we assume the terms have a different meaning from the above mentioned books/movies and the culture that followed. Mind control has been defined, agruably, as controlling the thinking, behavior, emotions, and/or decision making of another.I don't know about it being absolutely literal, but it seems to me that the GB are brainwashed (in the popular sense of the word) in that they have been mind-controlled for so long working their way to the top, that they are robotic in their faith and willing to let the members die to protect the organization. That makes them similar to the followers of Charles Manson. They may be the leaders, but they are slaves to the traditions of what being leaders means.
The Almighty Homer
Not more or less than any other typical high ranking JWS, its just they are aware of their status, privilege and power bestowed upon them.
Which essentially was the very reason how and why the past presidents and GB members got themselves involed as opportunists.
The male ego and character lusts for these things, its just unfortunately that the uneducated and ignorant strive and succeed in
accomplishing these desires. Call it delusions of grandeur for being a head of God's only organization on earth .......Woopee
They believe in 'their' system of things. Its worked for them. "Blind leading the blind." They do not have empathy/love for their people suffering from stress, economic/financial, raising children (absolutely no reality about that), family members disfellowshipped, family members/children dying from no blood transfusion, foreign countries where there is a persecution level (like in Malawi), imprisonment to foreign young men on draft, elderly people who have no retirement funds, the JWs with no medical/health benefits. They have no qualms to burden people. They have their meals prepared, housecleaning provided, doctors, dentists, eye doctors, chiropractor, absolutely no bills/concerns. Also, they have their 'circle of loyalists' that adore them constantly. What a set up!! Again, its worked for them.
I believe they truly believe in their cult. Followers of Followers.
I truly believed WE were the only truth, I followed another,she
followed another so it goes on & on.MIND CONTROL -
but I am not fully convinced that they mislead for evil reasons.
Of course they do. Power, control, and money.
Since leaving the WTBTS I have been around truly spiritual people. They all had the same traits. First, they all had extremely valuable gifts in healing, communicating, teaching, sharing, etc. They all refused to take money for their gifts. The truly gifted healers that I know refuse to accept money. When I asked them why they looked at me with an expression of complete puzzlement. Second, none of them would have claimed to be spiritual people. That was an observation made by others. Third, none of them would have dreamed of forcing their spirituality on others. None of them got their spirituality from doctrine anyway, so that was kind of a moot point but none of them would have tried forcing their belief system on others. Fourth, LOVE was obviously in complete operation and none of them would have dreamed of doing something to harm another person.
I was at a Buddhist temple having lunch with one of the monks and a few friends. This sweet elderly lady gave us a "treat" that she had made for the monk. This obviously meant a great deal to her. It was supposed to be some kind of desert. It was HORRIBLE. I thought I was going to die. I was sitting directly across from the monk and you never would have known that it was not the most delectible sweet every concocted. The lady was so happy. I asked the monk later how he was able to keep smiling and "enjoying" the 'treat' and he said "I could not afford to hurt our friend's feelings".
Fifth, the operation of something supernatural at work was very obvious (and I don't even believe in God). I have a friend named Grey Wolf, he is an Ogalala Sioux medicine man and tribal chief. When you are in his presence it is as if nature Herself is talking with you, the wind, the rain, the sunshine, the birds singing. Its hard to explain.
All of these people are kind, loving, gentle, humble, empathetic, soft spoken, laugh easily, find enjoyment in little things.
The governing body are not spiritual men. They purposely impose a huge body of extra-scriptural rules and regulations on their followers while lying about it and saying that they don't make rules they merely "encourage" people to do or not do certain things. So, they are bold faced liars.
No, the governing body is not brainwashed. They go to great lengths in everything they do and say to hold on to absolute power over their followers while making themselves totally not accountable or responsible for their actions.
Take for example the "new light" doctrine. When they get something horribly wrong, they don't admit it, they don't accept responsibility for it, they lie and create some new falsehood to cover up their mistake and say "God has given us new light". They are co-conspirators in a great fraud.
Further, answer this question, "What IS the work of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society"? They claim they it is the preaching work. But that is a facade. The true work of the WTBTS is real estate development and asset management of the hundreds of billions of $$ in assets that they have. Also, a case could be made that they are engaged in money laundering when you look at how they have created a huge interlocking and overlapping network of legal entities to hide their assets. No, I am certain of it, they are engaged in money laundering on a large scale.
They claim that all the money goes to "support the worldwide work". That is an out and out lie. They dont' do things that other religions do. They