As long as they keep piling on the rules and 'conscious matters' whereby 'picking wrong' means you can't serve - then they will continue to lose servants.
Every time they add a new "conscious matter" you can take the existing servant body and multiply it by 0.99. Repeat 100 times.
- Want to grow a beard because you look good with one? You're outta there.
- Want to bleach your hair a little lighter for fun? You're outta there.
- Did your barber cut your hair a little shorter than you asked? You may be out of there (I actually got counciled about this. I had to explain I didn't want it as short as the guy cut it. Dumbasses.)
- Have an old tattoo from your childhood? You're outta there.
- Think it's too hot to wear a suitcoat on sunday? You're outta there.
- Want to just carry a bible to the door and talk about it instead of a bookbag full of liturature? You're outta there.
- Want to go get an education? You're outta there.
- Want to see an R-rated movie? You're outta there.
- Want to see a PG-13 rated movie, but it has boobies? You're outta there (my brother nearly lost his privalges for seeing Titanic - based on the 0.0001% chance a witness saw him leave that theater, he could stumble someone.)
- Get a little "carried away" with your girlfriend and start necking or your hands wander a little too much? You're outta there, bud.
- Have a night where your wife and you get a bit horny and try a few new things.. and you let it slip to a buddy? You're outta there.
- Drink a little too much at a party? You're outta there.
- You actually went to a party, rather than sing kingdom melodies with a few friends? You're outta there.
- Do you miss a meeting or saturday morning service every week due to your job? You're outta there.
- Have a facebook account? You're going to post something that means you're outta there.
- Not good friends with an elder or the son of an elder? You're outta there.
- etc. etc.
Basically, if you're a normal human, you do not apply. They can beg all they want - but nobody but old boring or broken people can measure up to all of that... and even they have to keep a few secrets.
- Lime