My cousin, Sharon, who died in September.......was disfellowshipped three years ago. Her brother is still a witness, and wrote a thank you card to an elder in the congregation here. This elder and his wife came to visit Sharon a few days before she died, and before she started to lose her ability to make sense when she talked. She was so happy to see him, and hugged him. Someone told her brother that he had done that so he sent a card last week. This is what the card said.......I am taking out the names, of course, and my comments are in parentheses. (the elder's wife is a close friend of mine, and she showed it to me, and let me keep it)
Dear Brother **,
Just a few words to "thank you". I had heard that you had made a personal visit to my sister just hours before she died (five days actually). Truly appreciate that gesture. They tell me that she called out for me.....I wasn't there. (I don't remember this) It was difficult to speak over the phone to her, but she did recognize my voice (I was holding the phone for her, and talking to M***at the same time........ they didn't have a conversation that made any sense) In view of questions from readers in December 1, 2001 Watchtower, it is good to leaving judging to Jehovah because she had been expelled from congregation. I sometimes wonder if the cancer had affected her mind at that time??!! (the cancer was in her brain a year earlier, not 2 and half years earlier) Anyway she paid the price Rom. 6:23. I liked the WT comments, next to last par: "Jehovah will act toward the sinner (Sharon a sinner??) in harmony with his will." Ps. 44:21; Eccl. 12:14. Thanks again my brother. Give greetings to *******. With you in the faith.
M*** ********** (brother to Sharon Kennedy)
Are you as disgusted by this as I am? I think I will write him a letter about what he said about Sharon's cancer in the brain. It pisses me off to think that they are STILL acting like she didn't know what she was doing, when she left the Borg.
Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)