hey 'm', (just can't say the mommy)
The first time through, I missed the subplot until it was brought forth. Brad Pitt was the alter ego (multiple personality) of the other guy. Pitt existed only in the other guy's mind, and doing everything the other guy wanted, but was too "average" to do.
They both grew stronger, or more alienated from each other, until a confrontation, where the other guy finally realized he could control the situation, if he wanted.
Still a guy-type show, however. All the parts about the futility of catalog shopping, the intake of goods to accomodate the lack of living. For the first generation, masses of men being raised by women who many worked outside the home. No role models available - thus the brute force of feelings at the fight club. The banding together of The Underclass.
I enjoyed it the second time around much better. Then the interaction between Pitt and the other guy can be seen. The director really set up their interaction well, but it took me two times to catch most of it. I plan on watching it again.
The Cell has same type of premise, btw. A person's going into their own (or others - that's the science fiction part) minds to meet other parts of themselves (or others.) Interacting, even killing if necessary. However, this movie has strong scenes of parent/child violence.
Both movies are quite violent, but fascinating.