Did you Have One " Power Controlling " Elder in your Congregations ?

by flipper 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I have been in a few different congregations and what I noticed is there is always one strong family that controls things. They would promote their own relatives to ms or elders. That way, they kept control of things.

    It's hard to be an outsider and break through into their little group. I saw many elders come to "help out where the great were needed" and they have been sent packing if they disturbed the balance of power.

    Not really that much different than in the corporate world. I used to look for that one controlling family when we moved and it wasn't hard to find them.

  • flipper

    CHOOSING LIFE- Very true point you make. I too noticed there was always one " power family " or controlling family in the congregations who dictated how protocol went. And you're right- if a person wanted to get appointed an elder or MS they had to make sure to kiss up to the inner circle of that family in the clique . Totally nauseating. Probably one big reason I never made it to elder- I never kissed up to anyone, I still don't. Too independent. But I'm happy and glad to have my freedom ! LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper


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