Just wondering. It makes me think whoever underlines the WT without going THROUGHLY is purely hypocritical.
Did any of you study the WT lesson throughly without ANY underlining?
by asilentone 27 Replies latest jw experiences
When I would pass mic's I would notice how some people would use 4 different color highlighters to make it look like they were some uber watchtower studying genious.
I never underlined anything for any study.
they need to have local needs part about being a very fake underliner.
I honestly can imagine a local needs instructing the sheeple to only use yellow highlighter. Using green, pink or blue will stumble others.
I never underlined, on the few occasions I actually looked at it before the meeting, the most I ever did was a note to the side to remind me of something I wanted to say.
My usual M.O was to speed read the article, and maybe a subsequent one, as the 1st paragraph or two were read. Then I could answer up incorporating an allusion to next weeks study.
Bloody smartarse I was.
my personal choice as a highlighter is a thick black felt tip marker pen LOL
White Dove
At my hall, they did have a "how to mark your answers" part. The example of how not to underline had blood red underlines on every line. It was funny. Looked like my mom's.
I never underlined or highlighted anything. I have borrowed washtowels that were "properly" underlined, and boy how sloppy they looked! Plus it actually made it more difficult to read, especially if they accidentally made the line too high. Better to pick out the answer from the paragraph without underlining--and that was not very difficult to do.
I just never prepared, and never understood why we needed to. It was written at a 4th grade level anyway so I was fine just covering it during the meeting.
On the same note, I also rarely commented because I found it insulting to my intelligence to recite a sentence or concept that we just read without any thought or personal slant on things.
I also rarely commented because I found it insulting to my intelligence to recite a sentence or concept that we just read without any thought or personal slant on things.
When they started to insist that you answer only from the paragraph, that's when I stopped raising my hand, it was just so demeaning and insulting to our intelligence.