It never fails to amaze me how hypocritical the Watchtower is.
The November 1, 2009 Watchtower's title is "EXPOSED: Six Myths About Christianity"
Myth 1: The soul is immortal
Myth 2: The wicked suffer in hell
Myth 3: All good people go to heaven
Myth 4: God is a trinity
Myth 5: Mary is the mother of God
Myth 6: God approves of the use of images and icons in worship
In a box below the WT says the following:
What can we conclude from this brief review of myths that are still taught by many churches? These "tales artfully spun" cannot rival the simple and comforting truths of the Bible. Therefore, with an OPEN MIND, do not hesitate to compare God's Word - the source of truth - what you have been taught. Then, this promise will prove true in your case, "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free."
These are the myths the Watchtower use frequently, so lets have a look at some WT myths about Christianity...
Myth 1: Charles Taze Russell said the end would come in 1914
Myth 2: Jehovah and Jesus selected the Watchtower organization in 1919 while the Bible students still celebrated Xmas and birthdays
Myth 3: The Watchtower alluded to and participated in the expectation that the end would come in 1975 some 6,000 years after man's creation.
Myth 4: The Awake! masthead prior to 1995 said it was the "Creator's PROMISE of a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away"
Myth 5: The Watchtower taught that the final selection for the 144,000 ended in 1935 - now anyone of any age professing the heavenly calling can partake
Myth 6: The Watchtower has changed the interpretation of Jesus' reference to "the generation" at least four times