Do I exist?

by acolytes 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Elsewhere

    You are a figment of my imagination.... and my math teacher is just now about to wake me up!


    If you can eat Chicken..

    You exist..

    .................. ...OUTLAW


    If you can`t eat Chicken..

    Your either Dead or a Vegetarian and will never be able to prove you exist..

    .................. ...OUTLAW

  • frankiespeakin

    Do I exist?

    It all depends how thin you slice it. "I" after all is a mental construct that we use at this scale of existence, if we break things down to an even smaller scale of observation like say electrical/chemical processes between synapses in the brain and interpretations of these synapses the "I" strangely disappears.

    Or if you are selective in your use of the term "exist" as something permanant and unchanging then the I can also disappear as just an imaginary construct of the mind since there is no ghost in the machine.

  • VoidEater

    ^ What he says.

    Define your terms and ask again. You may get a different answer.

    It's the little words that are the slipperiest.

  • Farkel

    “All philosophies are merely graceful exits from the problems they profess to solve.” - Isabel Paterson

    “The natural tendency of the human mind is to get rid of facts, and if obliged to retain a few, to mutilate them beyond recognition.” - Isabel Paterson


  • FireNBandits

    I understand the epistemological and ontological implications of modern physics. You are correct that nothing exists in the manner once thought it does in the Newtonian Clockwork Universe. Atoms are not solid little balls of indestructible matter, time is not a Universal Constant but rather a function of the speed of an observer on a moving body relative to another observer on another moving body, and space is not simply "nothing." To the contrary, modern physics has demonstrated that matter is actually a complex series of vibrational patterns within vibrational patterns within vibrational patterns of the space-time continuum. The universe is vibrating in a seemingly limitless number of patterns which we call "particles" for convenience sake, and for the sake of not confusing laypeople who are unable to grasp modern physics.

    There is nothing solid in the universe. The fact that like charges repel is one of the main reasons we simply do not pass through each other. The universe has no more solidity and substance than a dream. Yet, here we are trapped within it. We ARE it!

    Space can be bent by massive objects, and this has been observed many times. I'll not reinvent the wheel here.

    I cannot give everyone here a pablumized version of physics. You will have to discover for yourself, or continue to revel in your ignorance just as the JWs do when confronted with the evidence for evolution. Revel in your ignorance.

    Few peoplw today read anything but mindless fiction and the funny papers, so I recommend a painless way to understand modern physics. Rent the DVD What the Bleep Do We Know? Some of the greatest modern physicists assisted with its production.

    Until philosophers have the intelligence and sense to take modern physics into consideration in forming their epistemological and ontological ideas, philosophy is a stupid endeavor. It is much like studying medicine when disease was still attributed to "humours" in the human body.

    Don't let the ignorant dissaude you from the liberating power of understanding the REAL Mystery of existence to be found in that discipline that deals with the universe at its most fundamentl level: physics.

    Saint Martin the Tired, off to bed.

  • agonus

    What the Bleep is a recruitment video for the Ramtha Enlightenment Foundation. Google J.Z. Knight.

    Do we exist?

    Does cogito really ergo sum?

    Can we really put Descartes before de horse?

    What do you get when you cross an elephant and a rhino?

    Seriously, though, even if the "brain-in-a-vat" scenario is really true, there has to at least be a brain and a vat, right?

    I mean, illusions are still entities, even from a purely conceptual standpoint.

    But they're like the people chained up in the cave like the allegory of the people in the cave by the Greek guy.

    -Apologies to John Linnell

  • Twitch

    I cannot give everyone here a pablumized version of physics. You will have to discover for yourself, or continue to revel in your ignorance just as the JWs do when confronted with the evidence for evolution. Revel in your ignorance.

    Not lacking in ego or intellectual elitism, are you?

    Few peoplw today read anything but mindless fiction and the funny papers, so I recommend a painless way to understand modern physics. Rent the DVD What the Bleep Do We Know? Some of the greatest modern physicists assisted with its production.

    What the Bleep is a recruitment video for the Ramtha Enlightenment Foundation. Google J.Z. Knight.

    LOL. Who's ignorant now?

  • Robdar
    Babies think things dont exist if you cant see them.
    Am I thoughts
    Am I fealings
    Am I a body
    My thoughts constantly change as do my fealings and my body doesnt have have a single atom in it that it had 7 years ago.
    So which of these selfs really exist?

    Isnt mental masturbation fun?

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