I'm curious if there's ever been a poll or some kind of JWD census. How many apostates, active JW's, faded, DF'd, DA'd are there on the forum? How about how many who were once JW's but now have moved on to another religion versus those who now have no affiliation? I'd be interested to know the breakdown....
Has there every been a JWD census?
by feenx 12 Replies latest jw friends
That would certainly be an interesting field in the profile!
You know Jehoober hates it when you take an unauthorised census.
Just have faith that there are enough of us to defeat them. praise the Lord.
Lady Lee
It is an interesting idea. However any results would be terribly squewed because there are so many who cannot respond, due to privacy reasons, and many who would choose not to.
In the past we have had maps with people putting where they live on the map but even then many people would not put their names on it.
A census would just make too much information that may need to remain private out there for all to see.
I would also discourage any individual taking on a project like this. People would have to give over a lot of personal info to an individual they know only on the internet.
I think I am a pretty trust-worthy person and I wouldn't even ask anyone to share so much info with me and provide it anonymously. Sadly in the past we have had people posting here that we thought were very trust-worthy. Then we realaized we had been scammed for a very long time. Once burned . . .
Very interesting topic - I love anything related to statistics!
For the reasons stated above, it would be difficult to do.
Maybe someday we will be able to provide this kind of info without fear and also in an simple format...
By the way, thank you Lady Lee for all of your efforts on our behalf.
Lady Lee
Thank you AggieNostic. Interesting name BTW
Interesting ... I'll think about letting people add information like this to their profile but keep it private and only share the overall results.
Simon & Anghard (((((((((HUGS))))) From Granny