C T Russell the retro apostate. From the WT 1879

by Aussie Oz 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz


    This question is one which every sincere Christian should ask and seek to answer. We

    should learn to love and value truth for its own sake; to respect and honor it by owning

    and acknowledging it wherever we find it and by whomsoever presented. A truth

    presented by Satan himself is just as true as a truth stated by God.

    Perhaps no class of people are more apt to overlook this fact than the Christian. How

    often do they in controversy overlook and ignore truth presented by their opponents.

    This is particularly the case when arguing with an infidel. They feel at perfect liberty to

    dispute everything he says on religious subjects. This is not the correct principle. Many

    infidels are honest--as anxious to speak and believe the truth as are Christians--and if in

    converse with them we ignore truths which they may advance, we not only fail to

    convince them of our truths, but put an end to all hope of reaching them; for our failure

    to admit the evident truth which they advance begets in them contempt for the one who

    is not honest enough to admit one truth because he does not see how it can be reconciled

    to another. Accept truth wherever you find it, no matter R9 : page 3 what it contradicts,

    and rely for ability to afterwards harmonize it with others upon "The Spirit of truth,

    which shall guide you into all truth," as Jesus promised.

    Well, i think this is priceless advice for the JWs. I am also sure they reject anything their founding great grandpa said.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    When I found that, I quoted it to my father.

    He looked me straight in the eye and ..............

    .......... agreed with it.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I would assume that the Jws would reject anything said back then, but my point to them would be to open the watchtower where it brags about being continually published from 1879 as proof that they still hold to all its writings, then get them to read the above jewell.

    such treasure from themselves


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I have shown this to THREE family JWs and they ALL .............. AGREE with it.

    Unless their faith is already shakey, it is a waste of time showing it to a Dubbie.

    If you are thinking of showing it to your kids.....

    ..... DON'T

    ..... unless you KNOW they are ready for it. Don't guess ...... you must KNOW



  • Satanus

    Well, speaking as an infidel, what a wack job he was.


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    @Chris, cautious as a serpent, innocent as a dove !

    no way i'll be using that one on them!

    The next couple of months are on shaky enough ground as it is with mediation and possible court action over access. I dare not breath a word! Mind you, i am not at all comfortable with the Jan and Feb WT study articles on baptism. The boy is 16 and prime fodder for them. mother would like nothing more than him not being allowed to see me at all.

    Actually, that is the biggest concern in my life at present, franky, it scares the shit out of me.


  • thetrueone

    Reading that statement clearly identifies to me what a two faced crook Russell was, on one hand he's stating the virtue

    of the truth and how Christians should accept and follow themselves in the truth and in the other hand he's promoting and selling literature

    which full convoluted bullshit he dreamed up all by himself, which was the Great Pyramid of Gaza was set there by god

    as a message to man on his will and purpose for mankind. He was a real salesman, but a snake oil salesman and a cunning opportunist.

    Somehow I think he laughed himself silly right to his death on just how cunning he really thought he was and that goes for Rutherford as well.

  • agonus

    Hey, Russell stole the Pyramid and Alcyone and other shit from Joseph Seiss, a Lutheran. Let's give credit where credit is due.

    You know, I'm no fan of Russell, but compared to the current organizarion doggerel, it's Tolstoy-level writing.

    How can any sincere JW who's actually read C.T.R.'s stuff honestly claim the man has/had ANYTHING to do with "Jehovah's Witnesses?"

    I guess that's why, when Christ returned invisibly in 1914, waited until Russell died to inspect the world's religions and THEN choose the Bible Students under Rutherford's tutelage.

  • thetrueone

    I'd call it self marketing and promotion, one was a crooked salesman and the other one was a crooked lawyer.

    Hell I'd probably bullshit too if I put most of my entire wealth into a printing operation.

    Yes your right Agonus I knew back in my mind that Russell was not alone on that particular idea, most likely

    inspired by someone else, thanks for the clarification

  • agonus

    No probs. You know, pyramidology is actually coming back into vogue among some mainline-ish Christians. Some say the Nephilim or Enoch built them.

    I guess we'll never know...

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