I know what the Witness response is to this but what do you say now?
If God Truly Cared About People Wouldn't He DO SOMETHING By Now?
by minimus 392 Replies latest jw friends
what do you say now?
I say wait patiently, with more patience than ever!
James 5:7,8 Meanwhile, friends, wait patiently for the Master's Arrival. You see farmers do this all the time, waiting for their valuable crops to mature, patiently letting the rain do its slow but sure work. Be patient like that. Stay steady and strong. The Master could arrive at any time. MSG
Tell me something, do you REALLY want God to fix things for Us ?
The tsunami of 2004 was perhaps the last straw for me as far as God is concerned.
I saw an interesting programme the other day that suggested the earthquake in Lisbon in 1755 influenced Enlightenment thinkers to reject the idea of a loving God interested in man's affairs.
keyser soze
Remember, milleniums are but seconds to God. Humans have really only been suffering about a minute or two.
Of course, JW theology goes far beyond the concept of God just not doing interventions in various natural disasters - the JW god is pictured as doing a massive intervention in the opposite way - a flood-like killing off of at least 99% of the population in the imminent future.
Witnesses are constantly dissappointing themselves that this monumental calamity has not yet happened!
natural "disasters" are part of the naturla order of things, teutonic plate shifting, hurricanes, tsunamis, they all serve a purpose and have been around for millions of eyars BEFORE Man was "born".
If one believes that God created all things for a purpose then we must accept that ALL things happen for a purpose and that humans are but ONE of God's creations.
To blame God for "allowing" earthquakes is like blaming the wind for allowing our umbrella to get "reversed".
Or something like that.
Being patient is not an answer.
Ah yes, the age-old question. For as many years as this question has been asked we have as many explanations. I'm sure Perry or some such nutwit will be happy to pontificate and enlighten your godless mind.
Being patient is not an answer.
Since I can't speak for God, that's the only answer I can give.