Spiritually weak
by megaflower 221 Replies latest jw friends
Spiritually weak
self sacrificing sprit.That used to just make me cringe. What does that mean?
Dude my old COBE about 3 years ago started using the word "behoove" in ever possible situation one day for no reason... Literally he uses it atleast three times per meeting. It freaking makes my skin crawl
I heard this one on tv the other day (spoken by a dub of course)
"the lines of communication"
And how about
the 'pure' language
Bring a MODEST bathing suit and towel to baptism (really means wear pants and about 5 layers of t shirts)
running ahead of the organization
I agree with "emptyinside" "the society says" in that stupid little sing song voice,always wanted to say "yes dear but what do you say"? answer would have been "whatever the society says" morons!
In a whining voice, "Don't you love Jehovah?"
You must follow God rathern than man. I felt like that was such a cop out statement.