Posting links to downloads of R. Franz' books CoC & ISoCF

by Lady Lee 41 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Just for a comparison - at least one I can do on the spot

    • Crisis of Conscience -- soft cover 420pp -- $15.95
    • Cult Watch -- soft cover 390pp -- $18.99 (in 1996 - 13 years ago!!!)
    • Take Back Your Life -- soft cover 374pp -- $19.50

    all around, a good price

    And like said above - go it it at your library if you can't afford it. Borrow one -- but remember to give it back.

    But please don't steal it.

  • isaacaustin

    I would say 15.95 is quite a bargain given the time and effort Ray put into his book. And it really is priceless given the fact that he lowered the curtain on things no one else would have had the ability to.

  • possible-san

    Lady Lee.

    Why didn't you explain to me then?

    Usually, in many cases, I think that that PDF is for people who already have that book, IMO.
    Therefore, should people buy that book and should pay money further for that PDF?

    Yeah, of course, money goes into Ray doubly by it.

    Well, people can get his book (PDF) by torrent.
    Of course, I buy his book (Japanese version) and already have.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Legally, sir, you are breaking the law.

    It is a moral decision on my part to leave links to WT material alone. My commetns above expalin my reasoning regarding Franz' book. My explanation on the thread you linked to explained my reasoning on that thread. They are two very separate issues - you spamming the board and the posting of links of Ray's book - different isuues different ways for me to deal with them. Don't like it talk to Simon.

    Other mods or Simon himself may decide differently. If Simon ever posted a comment that all links to copyrighted material had to be removed then I would follow is comment and remove all links

  • possible-san

    An impolite person, Lady Lee

    I think that your explanation is strange.

    You said my action which respected the Copyright of the Watch Tower society as "SPAM."
    Are you suitable as "administrator"?

    Although I respect Simon, I do not respect you.

    Please don't use Mr. Ray for your pride sake.
    You and Ray are not related.


  • cantleave

    Lady Lee - you are a star. Intellectual property rights are too often abused, it is a shame that people think pirating someones work is a legitimate pastime.

    Ray's books have helped so many people he has devoted much time to writing his book and providing personal help - why would anyone think that sdevotion should be re-paid by stealing from him?

  • Simon

    possible-san: you are being a jerk, read the posting guidelines.

  • nugget

    Using the argument that the link should be used by people who have the book and don't want to pay twice for it is spurious. Copywrite law is clear and unabiguous you pay for each copy you possess. If I wanted to keep a book but needed a second in an alternative format I would expect to pay for it. I could scan it myself but my time is worth more to me than the cover price.

    It is a matter of principle not a matter of economics. Ray Franz is a man of principle if we are using his book to break free from a despotic organisation then we should be no less.

  • Simon

    Do I care if Ray's work is ripped off and the loss of revenue affects him? Yes - his books helped me.

    Do I care if the WatchTower's drivel is ripped off and exposed for the crap that it is? No - they are a multi-billion dollar publishing corporation that breaks families apart, is responsible for the deaths of many many thousands and more.

    Does that make me a hypocrite? Possibly.

    Do I care? Not a bit.

  • AllTimeJeff

    I found the entire book online. After I read parts of it, I purposely bought the book. I didn't have to, but I realized that it was pirated material. When will people understand that money makes the world go round, and that laws, copyright or otherwise, are needed to ensure that intellectual property isn't stolen?

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