Happy Anniversary!!

by JWinprotest 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • PSacramento
    No, it was a JW from here in Phoenix, Arizona

    I am surprised that a JW serves on the board, much less a chairman, of a huge financial institution like RBC.

  • dissed


    RBC is WTS lingo for Regional Building Committee

  • PSacramento
    RBC is WTS lingo for Regional Building Committee

    LMAO !!
    Ah dude, I am sorry, truly.

  • JWinprotest

    The other argument I've heard used, is that celebrating ones birthday brings unwarranted attention to the individual rather than god. Well anniversaries bring the same attention to a couple that an individual would receive on their birthday, would you not agree?.

  • PSacramento

    One can argue that Anniversaries bring MORE attention than simple Bdays, as was shown by dissed.

    When I have a Bday I only have family but when my wife and I have an anniversary there is far more involved it seems.

    Organizations have anniversaries and HUGE celebrations happen, far more than if the head of said organization has a Bday.

  • JWinprotest

    Good point PSac! Especially true for the milestone years.

  • Gayle

    They do "Bethel anniversaries" too. Ice cream and all trimmings at their table (the Bethelite provides). And many meet up quickly at their rooms before lunch to imbibe with select friends. One time, a group, my brother and a few young Bethelites were going up the elevator at Bethel, and a very elderly, getting senile, Bethel brother slipped out a few dollars for them to go get ice cream for his birthday. They knew his "condition," trying not to laugh and told him they couldn't do that stating couldn't celebrate his birthday. He got really upset, stating no one could tell him not to celebrate his birthday. Poor ole' fella!!

  • dissed


    Do you remember 'Bethel pre-memorial receptions'? Some wine and cheese before heading off to your congregation, sort of like a 'tail-gating party' but only in some Bethelites room.

  • treadnh2o

    "Anniversaries are the same things as birthdates, that is a given, both mark the beginning of an event on a yearly basis"


    My bad. I thought you were trying to differentiate the two.

  • Gayle

    (for dissed),,I don't recall going to any type pre-Memorial tail-gating party,,I don't doubt there could have been some. I would have even gone to one if invited and if there would have been time but I just remember Memorials just a blur, another rush to another meeting with no personal participation. In retrospect, just another empty spin-around. We would just have to rush out from working and travel to the congregation to be on time. Later on,,I found as two and three congregations met at one Hall, I felt like we were cows, herded in and herded out. Certainly no communion spirit of any sort.

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