how do the anointed shine so brightly if they have no more insight than the rest of us?
WTS claims to shine as brightly as the Sun
by cattails 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
apparently the "tower" is now a torch
"Light Bearer" = Lucifer
I was asking myself the same thing.
Does anyone remember? I thought "new light" from several years ago pushed the "seperating work" into the future..during or after armagadon i thought.
so is this new old light that is new again?
The official position on the separating work, the last time I read anything, was totally nonsensical.
It was something along these lines:
Q: Are we still in a separating work?
A: Yes, but not really.
Yes, you're right. There was "new light" on this anywhere from 10-20 years ago.
It was one of those explanations that really started to raise red flags for me.
I think they literally said that IN A CERTAIN SENSE, yes, we are still in a "separating work". Sort of like metaphorically but not physically.
Again, one of those "we are but we aren't" kind of explanations.
If they are shining like the sun, it would have to be a black hole sun. When I was in, I thought I was getting the bright light--until I clicked onto my first apostate web site. At which point, the lights came on.
The importance given to this image makes me feel uncomfortable, brings the words of Matthew 24:15 to my mind for some reason.
The graphic doesn't even fit in with all the other illustrations in the article.
It seems oddly out of place and too abstract.
Do you think they'll change it in the printed copies to go out in a couple of months
because of all the discussion and the outcry here about it?
Could it be that it was a mistake? Is there some other graphic
that they should have used and this is just a place holder?
We've never gotten articles on pdf before so maybe this is
a freak accident and they should have used a different graphic
but it wasn't available by release time? Naaaaaa.... the WTS
is too controlling and too rigid to allow any mistakes like that.
March 15, 2014 -- "The sun now shines out of our arses. Praise Jah!" -- The Watchtower
March 15, 2010? How far in advance do they write this shit?