My wife is going to a JW baby shower today...........
Why are baby showers acceptable and not birthdays
by insearchoftruth 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It's called a "pre-baptism party" Poor little fellow will probably get dunked before it becomes a teen.
It doesn't make sense, does it? Welcome to our screwy little "religion".
BTW, I've enjoyed reading your posts. It is refreshing to hear the opinions of someone who has never been in, but with your insight and understanding.
Thanks....I really just don't get it...but when the org can get someone to the point where they just blindly accept, and with the power of the 'light keeps getting brighter', I guess anything is possible or explainable!
So 'pre-baptism' party, doesn't that glorify the child, and isn't the reason that mother's day and father's day are not celebrated is because they teach only to glorify jehovah?
Well, it is very simple my one ever had their head cut off at a baby could you have missed the logic of that??!!
real reason- because a baby shower for a JW is made by who? Other association with outsiders is there.
B-days start at school and continue in the workplace- involving association with nonJWs. Thus the WT demonizes it to cut this off.
Asked that same question when I was 12...never got a straight answer.
Olin Moyles Ghost
Isn't a baby shower a birthday celebration? It's celebrating the birth of a child. And the child receives gifts. So I guess JWs are permitted to celebrate one birthday per lifetime. Yeah, that makes perfect sense.
Not that the WTS doesn't paint showers with a black brush........
g77 4/8 p. 28 ‘Showering’ with Gifts? ***
If an expectant mother or soon-to-be-married couple definitely is in need, you can appreciate how it might be kind and thoughtful to give gifts that will make the adjustment easier. Sad to say, sometimes persons stage "showers" for quite a different reason. For example, one woman wrote to a newspaper columnist concerning a "shower" that had been held for her fleshly sister. Regarding one of the twenty guests who attended, she said:
"We checked and double-checked each gift and card and couldn’t find a thing from this woman. She deliberately came empty-handed, . . . We were all shocked."
The newspaper columnist replied in part:
"I’ve received hundreds of letters from women who say they have been invited to as many as four or five showers for the same bride. They view the whole shower scene as a gigantic ripoff, and I must say, your letter lends a great deal of validity to their complaints."
Yes, though a "shower" can be a nice opportunity for association, refreshments and gift-giving, it can also become a mockery of the Christian spirit of generous giving. What a pity it would be if persons concluded that their presents were more important than their presence!
At some "showers" the giver of each present is identified before the others present. This can embarrass anyone who has not brought a gift. And it can lead to comparisons of presents from those of little means and those who are rich (or pretending to be so). (Jas. 2:1-9) How much better is it not to identify the givers by name!
Didn't you know? The wisemen went to the first Baby Shower - with Jesus. It wasn't a Birthday party. Simple really.
Didn't they also invent the clothespin game? (
(Although Mary and Joseph could've used a baby bed - or carseat carrier - much more than silly gold, frankensence and myrrh.)
Jim TX (don't take me seriously)