Idolization of the Watchtower logo! in March WT
by Gayle 17 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks for sharing that!
How ridiculous that the WT is totally twisting the scripture in Matthew 13:43 to say that their logo is what is prophesied about in that text that is "shining like the sun", when it is clearly speaking about faithful Christians during the end time seperating work done by Christ. And how they will "shine like the sun" in the fathers kingdom. This text has Nothing to do with a logo owned by a corporation.
here is the text in it's context;
Matthew 13:37-43
37 He answered, "The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. 38 The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one, 39 and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.
40 "As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. 41 The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. 42 They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.
If anyone reads this WT article about the logo being the thing that "shines like the sun" and still stays in this organization, then I feel sorry for them because they are in a severe spiritually darkness. I really hope this stupid article has the oposite affect and causes an outrage in the organization. Peace, Lilly
Reminds me of the logo of the New Apostolic Church (bigger than JW in Germany):
BTW, I like the "TM"-insert in the WT-Picture
Wow....just wow. I'm with the person above that stated that if THIS blatant display of Idolotry and self-worship doesn't wake-up a few of the rank and file zombies, I don't know what will. Imagine, actually stating that the WT is what Matthew is referencing in the New Testament? This is as ludicrious as saying that Rutherford and Knorr were the new Elijah, etc that they teach up in Gilead. Disgusting!!!!
Gotta love the caption as well....stating how that Great Crowd is merely "prospective worshippers". You're NEVER going to be good enough, got it????
My parents (DOD 1999, 2007) must be spinning in their graves!!! Between the constant focus on OBEY, OBEY, OBEY the Faithful & Discreet Slave and never question, to now having this disgusting (and surprisingly Bablyonish) image elevated above Jesus, I am more and more convinced as the months pass and more WatchTower's come out spewing this man-worship that I made the correct decision to leave the relgion I was raised in.
I visit a local Advent Lutheran Church that my in-laws attend from time to time and the focus is always on God (they even use the name Jehovah occasionally) Jesus, and the good of the congregation and helping others as Jesus would. What is the focus of the Organization today? It's not even really peddling literature for money anymore, it's about keeping the brain-washed zombies from getting an education, checking facts on the internet, not using cell phones, keeping the R & F scared to death, and pushing any worldly friends or family away if they reject the F&DS.
I swear, they are getting worse as time goes can people not begin to see this? Maybe alot more will soon, and we'll have an influx of "Newbies" who can't take it any more and crack under the strain.
YHWH help them all.
- Wing Commander
Add this log on the fire:
Paragraph 18 from the article....
18 The prophet Daniel spoke of our day
when he foretold: “The ones
having insight will shine like
the brightness of the expanse;
and those who are bringing
the many to righteousness,
like the stars to time indefinite,
even forever.” (Dan. 12:3)
Who are these ones who shine
so brightly? Why, none other
than anointed Christians, the
genuine wheat that Jesus referred
to in his illustration of the wheat and
the weeds! The ‘collecting out’ of the weedlike
imitation Christians has been clearly recognized
by an ever-increasing great crowd
of sheeplike ones. In attaching themselves
to the remnant of spiritual Israel, these prospective
subjects of the Kingdom likewise let
their light shine in this bedarkened world. -
This subject was posted on JWB last night here:
what is it with organisations and the sun logo?
It's all the egyptians' fault. Dam sun worshippers.
Ooohhh, Yeah... That's self-serving aggrandizement, that's for sure...
Ninja, "what is it with organisations and the sun logo?"
Satanus, "It's all the egyptians' fault. Dam sun worshippers... "