what about Mr.Ed?
Do You Accept ALL Of The Bible As Being 100% Truth?
by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends
I disagree with your statement that only if someone's position on an issue is weak then they will get attacks on it. Someone can choose to attack your views whether strong or weak simply because they do not agree with it. I've found many here ask a Q, but really have no interest in an honest response.
Frankly, by responding the way you did does sort of show me that you really have no interest in the topic anyway but just want to start another God hating thread. The reason I say this is why wouldn't you choose to discuss this off the forum so that it can be a one on one discussion of two people, instead of the usual free for all with others chiming in? You posed the Q, and I will happily answer it for YOU.
I am strong in my views, as I am sure you are in yours. Perhaps we will both be able to teach the other something of value? Maybe sometime down the road, so I am keeping my door open.
And yes, I am usually a very nice lady, but do not like it when my intelligence is questioned. Not saying you have done this but some others on this forum have. And that is when I loose my cool and go all Brooklyn on people. (hee,hee, I am former New Yorker born & raised). Peace to you minimus. I really hope you find the answers you are looking for in this life. Lilly
I never said "only",number one... People can attack sound opinions all day long too. Since you don't want to be specific when I've asked you a question on this forum, I can say that if your position is weak, I wouldn't feel comfortable with the fall out either. YOU don't want to be "open to attack". If you feel comfortable with your position, I'd like to read it here.
Lil, you actually have no right making the judgment on me that I just "want to start another God hating thread". First of all, I still believe in God but am confronting questions and want to hear all sides. The "free for all" actually benefits me. I posed the question and if you want to contribute to the discussion on the board, I welcome you to express yourself.
I am very Sorry if I misunderstood your intentions. I opologize if I offended you.
But a lot of your threads seem to rehash the same issue over and over again. I personally would rather sit down and have a one on one discussion with someone. Or even respond with someone via email or letter for that matter. I find a lot of these threads on the forum are not very productive and only result in argueing and name calling.
At this time, I do not want to be specific about the metaphors, etc in the bible only because of lack of time. However, I am currently working on a new essay about the Creation story and the symbolism in it and will post it on a new thread for discussion once I am finished. It will probably not be until after Christmas sometime. I would welcome you to comment on it at that time.
Peace to you, Lilly
Thanks for your comments. I ask and invite discussion to a lot of subjects because I too am learning what other's views are. I'm open to reading what some think. When you're raised in a religion that makes comments that cannot be questioned, it puts me in a position to question a lot and then make up my mind on a view. I'm not a real fast typist so this forum works well for me....Ahhhh, my fingers are getting sore now! :)
The bible is mostly made up of a bunch of embellished lies mentioned and written by men who wanted to uplift their god over and above
other gods from other different cultures and nations. There are some historical facts though to dates and events to be noted.
Is the bible the word of god ? NO
Is the bible mostly words spoken by men who believed in their own select god ? YES
That's a question I can't answer honestly at this time. While lurking some months back, Leolaia (who's a gem), mentioned the book Who Wrote the Bible by Richard Friedman. I bought it that weekend. Suprised Barnes and Nobels had a copy. I'm still going through it, but it's definately changed the way I've been viewing the Bible. Fascinating learning about the J, El, D, and other documents. I've always read opinion pieces in the New York Times, or Washington Post, etc., and I try to not just read the piece, but see what agenda the writer has. I do the same listening to pundits on Fox, MSNBC, or CNN. I would have never thought to do that with the Bible, because I was always instilled with 2 Tim 3:16, 17 which is the trump card when it comes to questioning scripture. However, if I question what imperfect men write and preserve today, wouldnt it make sense to question those that put together the Bible? Who's to say whether or not the very weeds Christ spoke of couldnt possibly be in the very book Christians hold dearest to themselves? I'm doing some serious sifting work right now, don't know where it will lead me.
I know one thing, the 'Bible' is not the only 'Holy' book on the planet, so for those who will defend the Bible have they considered what other people consider Holy Books as well? Now that I have put the Bible in its place in my life, I actually think I could go back and read it as a fun, and interesting, historical read instead of a literal, fear based, all commanding book. That's how I read all books now. I take what I can from them, the parts that may help me in my life to think about things more openly, to connect to my fellow man, and how it makes me just overall feel. But no, I don't believe the Bible is from some God, just like I don't believe other books are from God. But I do believe people can be inspired to write wonderful things, meaning when they are at one with the Source, a whole array of good things, including writings, music, poetry, can come from that place. If I'm making any sense.........wf
Does it contain some historical facts? Maybe.
Does it offer some good advice? "The Golden Rule" comes to mind, but it's no better that advice given by others such as Buddah, or Oprah.
Does is contain violence and gore? Absolutely.
Does it demean women? Yep.
Does it cause division on the basis of faith? Definitely.
Can humankind live w/o it and prosper? With out a doubt.
No not lately.
For a bunch of logical reason I can't accept any of the bible as the word of god.
1) An all wise God couldn't be the author because he'd have to be pretty stupid to entrust a bunch of religious bigots with transcribing and translating his words so that everyone gets a clear message.
2) The bible even itself says man is sinful and not to trust him, so it wouldn't make sense that if an all wise God wrote that and now is entrusting his word to these same untrustworthy men and hope beyond hope that they will some how change and become trust worthy and make word for word copies and accurate translations for others to read.
3) The bible says God is love and then in another place it says he causes evil, and in many places he is putting people to death left and right all for petty reason or because they touch the ark or didn't wear the right cloths, or wore sweaty wool garments or for got to put a blue thread or fringes on their robes, the list can be a mile long,, for all the things that piss him off enough to put them to death, Loving persons don't act like that, they're tolerant not totalitarians,, so I would say that when the bible says: "God is love" who ever wrote that must have been smoking crack or something because a loving person don't get all pissed off over that type of bullshit.
4)I could go on and on with this probably hit the #1000 on my list of reasons, so let me just say I got a lot of reasons.