I posted this link because I thought it may help people who have honest Q's about God's silence.
Lil, I respect your beliefs (I can't say I am familiar with them as I write this), but I wanted to share a problem I have with attempts at explaining gods silence. It is, that it comes from the same place as those who would say god is speakiing. Does that make sense?
By that, I mean we have people, groups, churches, all with their own individual agendas. Not all of them are inherently bad. That isn't the point to me. If the motives are good, that doesn't mean their conclusions are accurate.
Thus, when I read a question like the one you forward about God's silence, I take it at once as an attempt at honesty, in that it is an admission that God hasn't spoken to mankind at large. Yet at the same time, the premise is, "God exists, he just hasn't talked... yet."
I don't mean for this to be insulting to you or your beliefs. I think about this often. What I personally lack in the way of an answer to this question is very simple evidence.
Lil, already, you are more of a real person to me then God, simply because you have communicated. Is it too much to ask of God to do the same? I don't think so.
I appreciate the philisophical and theological attempts at explaining the question. It is a good mind stretcher. For me, unfortunately, because the premise is inaccurate, it doesn't approach a satisfactory answer in my case.