Did You Ever Wonder Why One Should Pray To God When God's Record Is Pretty Dismal?

by minimus 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I never understood why JWs were told to pray to Jehovah in order to have someone change their course, open their heart, make the way---when in reality it is like asking for a miracle to happen. Witnesses say miracles have been done away with and God doesn't work this way any longer.

    If you're going through a bad time, pray to God and he will help you if you have faith. He'll "bless" you! But if we were to pray to end all the misery, suffering and needless pain in the world, that would be inappropriate. If we were to ask that all the monsoons and devastation and earthquakes please end, no can do. But we should pray to be allowed to preach in a Communistic land. God might make the way!...... It seems that prayer's effects depend upon how you want to look at it. If you pray without enough faith, you will not be answered by God in the way you desire. If you DO have proper faith and do not get the results you've wanted, God could be allowing a test, or just might not want to grant your wish. It's a crap shoot.


    Most JW`s Prayers include the WBT$..

    Of course the WBT$ wants you to pray..

    You pray for them..


  • superpunk

    Praying to god is a little bit like playing the lottery, except that amputees NEVER win.


    except that amputees NEVER win.

    It`s not easy to Win a Leg..

    .................. ...OUTLAW

  • pat1060

    It has always been a little confusing,praying.If you have serious problems,just say your prayers.They won't be answered,but he will give you strength to go though them.Some are blessed,some are not.

  • minimus

    no rhyme or reason

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    A personal story:

    I had been a Bible believing Jw for many decades. I had never committed serious 'sin'. Ever. I did not lie, steal or cheat. Ever.

    My daughter ran away with another witness kid. First time out of 18 times. She was 13. We had no idea where they were. I prayed until I thought I would bleed. I wanted to know she was safe. I prayed for days. I cried until I could cry no more. Praying all the time.

    Nothing happened. She finally came home, a couple weeks later. God never showed. I was not comforted. My tears were not stopped. Then it happened again and again and again for seventeen agains. Every time the same fervent prayer. Every time the same answerless prayers.

    All I ever heard from the thumpers was useless 'God allows us to suffer but rewards us eventually' - just a lie plain and simple. There was never a reward for all that suffering. Never. Not once. Being a jw was the same as it would have been if I was any other religion - God simply didn't care enough to answer.

    Course - why should that surprise me? He's been ignoring all of mankind for millenia.


  • minimus

    Jeff, you might've been told that you simply didn't have enough faith. That could explain it.

  • frankiespeakin
    Did You Ever Wonder Why One Should Pray To God When God's Record Is Pretty Dismal?

    Force of habit?

  • HintOfLime

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