check this out
by mouthy 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Mickey mouse
That's a really good link Grace, thanks. My hubby and I were discussing some of these points just the other day.
Well I learned something I didnt know The Candy Cane origin!!!
zombie dub
very well written page
I used to say this to my parents, shame you can't use logic with a brainwashed zombie though :(
Thanks for the link. It makes some good points. I'm trying to figure out how to reason with my husband about Christmas.
Thanks for posting that Grace........A nice rebuttal to the tiresome drone of the Watchtower articles that continuously decry all Christmas celebrations as "from pagan origin".
((((((((((((((((Mary)))))))))) I received your package Thanks again
That is an excellent website. I remember reading a lot of their things when I was first coming to terms with my religious beliefs. I don't think it covers the pinata thing though. That to me was the ultimate clincher and I told my wife about this as we were leaving her grandfather's funeral this week.
troubled mind
Thank you Grace I'm saving for reference