Do you have good memories of associating with JWs?
by asilentone 26 Replies latest jw experiences
Yes I do have some very good memories, many in fact.
I have many friends in the organisation and have had some great times. The issue I have is with the organisation, the way it has re-written its history, introduced dangerous policies and the control of the GB through its publications. If I didn't have some good memories then I would have to completely write off more than half my life, and that would just make me a negative, bitter and twisted ass.
I think most people have some good Memories of Individual JW`s..
It`s the WBT$ that Sucks..
....................... ...OUTLAW
Not depends on the severity of the cult mentality but all that being said, I have family members that are stuck on the inside and being around them for any great length is very stressful. It is difficult listening and watching them act 'caring' around me but knowing that I really don't exist for's shallow and superficial - and trite.
That being said, there are a few that I do know who have a foot in and another out - away from prying eyes they are accepting and fun and far less judgemental - the minute they step into role however, I become once again, the crap on the bottom of the shoe. It's hard to have good memories if the memories are tainted by this type of 'acceptance'.
Sure, I have many good memories of associating with various Witnesses. I was married to one, have kids who are baptized members, and even the ex-in-laws aren't bad (as in-laws go). There wouldn't have been a wedding, kids, or in-laws if my Ex wasn't pleasant to be with. They are still decent people; granted they are also gullible and have been misled, but they are well-meaning people trying to be good Christians in their own way. Skiing trips, camping trips, family dinners: I have good memories of all those. Individual Witnesses have given me many good memories, and I hope they understand the divorce didn't erase those. I wish them good luck, good health, and the wisdom to eventually recognize they have been conned by the corrupt leaders of a false cult "religion".
I once thought that I did - until realising that these "happy memories" were just part of the initial "love bombing" process.
I have quite a few: ski trips, camping, hiking, scavenger hunt, travelled the world on the society's tour, and many more. Of course, those would never make me go back. I'm in a more real world, now.
I have a few good memories,but most of my memories are of stress and never feeling like I was doing enough...I have some good friends,but even that is of conditional friends.... ps...looks like we all have pictures now...
Hi silentone,
I have some amazingly good memories - my social circle was huge, varied and there always seemed to be something going on...lots of laughing, drinking and tons of activities. I cherish those memories. Since I've left, my social circle is very small but I have a core of friends who are true quality people and I've learned that quality far surpasses quantity. It's interesting that my good memories were never about worship - I looked forward to assemblies because there was always a social quotient and meetings were a way of seeing my friends. Weird in retrospect because I always thought I was such a good little witness!
wow...I totally don't know where that avatar came from but I kinda like it!