A@G is baaaaack!!!! Plus a new video about the GB!

by Awakened at Gilead 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Too busy with skool... I've been out of commission for a few months... did my last bits of homework today, and I am freeeeee!!!! (For a few weeks at least... but my master's is getting close!)

    Anyway, worked on a video today. Please check it out... debunking the GB concept!



    Welcome home Lance!..

    I`ll check your video out after breakfast tomorrow...

    I`ve enjoyed the others...


  • thetrueone

    Good video , quite clear and to the point.

    The fact that god's earthly organization here on earth was also a Publishing Corporation always bothered me to some degree.

    The manufacturing and selling of the word seemed to be so disingenuous, and capable of inherent corruption.

    Some more honest and concise information to add to your other video work.........well done

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Nice to see you posting again Lance.

    Your interviews on WatchtowerComments.com were very helpful to my wife in her first few days of awakening.

    Thanks for this latest vid and I wish you success with you continued pursuit of the forbidden fruit of "higher education".


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Good work! Welcome back!

  • possible-san

    Awakened at Gilead.

    Your video is excellent.

    However, if you also write together the texts of English which you have said,
    probably I can introduce your video to the Ex-JWs and JWs in Japan.

    At present, your video is useful only to people in the English-speaking world.


  • nugget

    Thank you! The Rank and File are being urged to show their loyalty to nothing more than secular institution masquerading as God's spokesman. Your video is so clear, great piece of work.

  • Larsinger58

    Nice to read.

    After all, the Bible identifies the "GB", that is, the leadership in charge of the organization as the "evil slave" and the "false prophet" and the "Man of Lawlessness."

    The Bible itself show show in God's own house, that is, within the WTS, the Man of Lawlessness would rise up and sit down in God's house, making itself a god. So definitely the GB has too much power and authority, even the Bible shows it is an improper "deity."

    Ironically, they parallel the Catholic Church and the worship of the Pope, who claims he is "God's channel of communication" as well and is revered as such.

    It's always good to hear directly about Bethel and what goes on in the Headquarters.

    By the way, the video did mention about some "homosexuality" scandal among the GB.


  • Heaven

    Hi A&G! Thank you for the video. I have been waiting for it. Once again, you've hit the nail on the head.

    One of the many things about the WTS/JWs that bothered me as a teenager back in the '70s was how they 'went beyond the Bible', not just once, but time after time. Terms such as 'Governing Body' and 'field service' and 'blood policy' and ideals such as salvation through works all rubbed me the wrong way.

  • Chalam

    Another cool vid AAG :)

    Nice verse in closing!

    You are gonna make a great evangelist ;)

    Happy Christmas!



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