gubberingbody.... now THAT is a GB i can get behind!!!
Community Service - why looked down on when it was so encouraged by Jesus
by insearchoftruth 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Good one gubbering - goes right to the very heart of it; grabs them by the throat and pushes them in front of a mirror.
Blondie said it all - the ministry is viewed as community service, even though 99% of the community wants nothing to do with you.
I always thought the motive was more selfish from the WTBS - they demand as much as possible from their followers....wasting time and resources with charity would take the people away from opportunities to add $$$$ to the company.
Matthew 25:44-46 (Amplified Bible Version)
44 Then they also [in their turn] will answer, Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?
45 And He will reply to them, Solemnly I declare to you, in so far as you failed to do it for the least (in the estimation of men) of these, you failed to do it for Me.
46 Then they will go away into eternal punishment, but those who are just and upright and in right standing with God into eternal life.
Yes the church of Christ is supposed to be involved in community service and this is just not preaching. We are to feed the hungry, provide shelter for the needy, help those who are ill, etc. in imitation to the example our Lord set for us. Peace, Lilly
He is able to inspire people and help them reach their true potential.
Huh? According to the WTS, the only potential anyone can reach is selling magazines door-to-door!
They're blatantly using "spiritual warfare" on that line...
My wife yesterday was talking about how useless it really is to feed the hungry and provide cold weather shelters since the problem will not go away until the 'new system of things'.
This is in direct contradiction to the teachings of Jesus. Another reason I concluded long ago that the WTS/JWs are NOT Christians... they are Jehovans.
Community Service is looked down upon because it cannot be controlled by the WTS and it does not serve any purpose for the WTS.
As lovelylil2 points out, in Jesus's "own words", Matthew spells out not only what Jesus thought of "community service", but what deeds he felt were deserving of salvation.
Notice how Jesus makes very little mention (NONE) of "house-to-house" sales, er, preaching.
Matt has demonstrated his leadership abilities and skills in conducting Bible studies with both the young and the old alike
Only in WT-world does "reading a 3-sentence paragraph, asking a pre-printed question, and listening to hear if the reply corresponds to the 3 sentences just read" equal "leadership abilities and skills".
Actually, that goes a long way toward explaining why WT-world is in the shape it is in....
THis is really easy to understand in the context of things like the parking lot scandal, the real estate development business that the WTBTS runs in Brooklyn, the "voluntary donation arrangement" backed up by Watchtower articles and Kingdom Ministry articles that berate the JWs and tell them that they are sinning against God if they don't give the proper amount in donations.
The WTBTS claims that the door to door preaching work IS the highest form of community service and trivilizes all other forms of community service because the door to door work brings IN money and other forms of community service COST money.
The WTBTS has a multi billion dollar revenue stream and almost no expenses. Why upset that with providing community services?
AK - Jeff
Yes. There are many fine atheists and some christians too, involved in charitable works in our community. I am thankful for that community spirit, especially that done without regard to Jesus' command, or Jesus' reward for so doing. That makes it truly from the heart.
No matter though the motive, charity is good to see.