Is anyone doing the WT study review anymore? I haven't seen Blondie's wrap up in a while. Is it on another site? I know it is a chore to do, but I can't tell you all enough how much it helps those of us still in who have to be subjected to this indoctrination session each week. Those times that I have gotten to read the comments in advance, has helped tremendously to get through the KH WT study and to see how they use language, misquotes, and out of context references to instill their false ideas and gain control of minds. When I first started lurking here, it was the dissection of the WT and the revelation of the propaganda techniques used that really opened my eyes. And I hope it can continue to do that for future doubting lurkers who are just beginning to open the door to reality. Does anyone know if it will be coming back?
Has the WT Study Review Been Discontinued?
by WalkTall 12 Replies latest jw friends
No, I should post 12/20 today. I will do 12/6 and 12/13 in the next few days. Blondie has had a busy month and a tough time with my health. Things are improving and I am not sleeping so much in the evening and weekends. Sorry.
I like your reviews, too, blondie.
Thank you very much.
Wishing you better health,
Wishing you better health Blondie.....take care of yourself!!
Thankyou Blondie, it was your comments and questions that did the most to 'wake me up'. It's like you acted as an iconoclast, and kick started my critical thinking.
I do wish you better.
Yes, I forgot to include my gratitude to Blondie in my original post as well. Taking care of yourself should be priorty one. I wish you continued improvement in your health and all the best that life has to offer. You have done so much for so many of us who feel angry, hurt, and confused by the continued deceptions found in the WT.
I also wanted to express my gratitude for the weekly WT review you post. My wife and I have benefited greatly from this review. Even thought I rarely comment on the study or post about anything, I wanted to let you know it is appreciated. I'm sure there are tons of people who read it regularly who haven't even built up the nerve to register here yet.
Take care of yourself, first and foremost!
Hey Blondie, sorry to hear your health's not been the best - but good to hear things are improving. I appreciate your nice succinct commentaries on the Watchtower study.
Blondie, I hope you are on the road to recovery. Take care of yourself and just do what you can. You posts and research are always appreciated.
Dear Blondie,
I really appreciate all the time and effort you spend going through that drivel and making sense of it.
I really appreciate your "translation" it has been an eye opener for me and many hundreds, perhaps thousands.
But what I would really like is for your health to improve. If that means you must cut down or stop your Watchtower review,
so be it. Your health is the most important aspect of this situation.
Warm love,