Have any of you been 're-baptised'

by EndofMysteries 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • asilentone

    she posted here 6 months ago, well, take a look at her earlier topics, you might find her story, I do not feel like to look for it, but you can find it if you want to.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I was 'rebaptized' into the world of reality. It was a season, not a moment, that occured starting about 6 years ago. My hair is still wet.


  • lisavegas420

    My foot flew up and I had to be re-dipped.


  • Perry

    We did a a triple dunk: me & wife while pregnant at a Baptist Church

  • dissed

    When being baptized they asked us if any had been baptized as a JW before. Two people answered in the affirmative.

    One said they were too young to know any better and wanted to do it right this time.

    The other was young, but had committed fornication, was DF'd and wanted a clean slate with JG.

    Neither was factored in the count.

  • Chalam

    Hello Lilly,

    The bible say to believe and be baptised Mark 16:16 Acts 8:12 Acts 18:8

    However, JWs do not believe in the Jesus of the bible, the Alpha and the Omega but a created being, the angel Michael who became flesh but was resurrected only as a "spirit creature", pure heresy.

    Also, as I understand it JWs are no longer baptised in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as the bible teaches Matthew 28:19 but as you pointed out are in fact baptised into the WT and the words they speak are to that effect.

    Those who are born again are already marked or sealed with the Holy Spirit

    Ephesians 1:13 (English Standard Version)

    13 In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit

    However, water baptism and baptism in the Holy Spirit are two additional things Acts 10:46-48 Matthew 3:11 Mark 1:8 Acts 1:5 Acts 8:16 Acts 11:16



  • lovelylil2


    True. Water baptism and baptism by holy spirit are two seperate things. I did not mean to say people should not be water baptized. I was simply addressing the issue as to whether or not someone needs to be re-baptized if they were baptized into the jw organization. My answer is that depends on the situation.

    I was water batpized into the Roman Catholic church when I was an infant. Then I was water baptized into the JW organization when I was in my 20's.

    I did not know until the day of my baptism by the jws that it was not in the name of the Father,son and Holy Spirit. I was very perplexed by the baptism Q's that is for sure. The thing is though, that you simply cannot be baptized into allegiance to an organization, no matter what the WT says. Baptism is a spiritual requirement for those who are repentent of their sins and wish to become followers of Jesus. The WT can try to put their own spin on it, but God does not reconize their version of baptism.

    What mattered most on the day of my jw baptism was not what the WT said, but whether or not my heart was right with God, and what I personally thought my baptism signified. My heart was right towards God because I was repentent of my sins, which is what water baptism signifies, and I felt my baptism represented my new life as a Christian and the beginning of my walk with Jesus. I did not feel it meant I had to show allegiance to an human organization.

    Now Did God accept me even though my last baptism was into an organization according to the WT? I believe he did, and that is because while still a Jehovah's Witness, I was baptized by God's Holy Spirit and became born again. That was God's sealing of me and how he revealed to my spirit that I am part of his spiritual family. Therefore God must have accepted my dedication to him.

    I am not saying people should not be water baptized. But many are water baptized and NEVER become real born again believers. They never, for whatever reason recieve the seal of God by the Holy Spirit. Also some people recieve the Holy Spirit prior to water baptism. It is different for all believers. See these texts;

    Acts 10:47
    Then Peter said, "Can anyone keep these people from being baptized with water? They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have

    Acts 19

    1 While Apollos was at Corinth, Paul took the road through the interior and arrived at Ephesus. There he found some disciples 2 and asked them, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?"
    They answered, "No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit."

    3 So Paul asked, "Then what baptism did you receive?"
    "John's baptism," they replied.

    4 Paul said, "John's baptism was a baptism of repentance. He told the people to believe in the one coming after him, that is, in Jesus." 5 On hearing this, they were baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus. 6 When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesiedAnd yet, many of God's people never become water baptized and still have God's spirit on them. Some examples of this are all the faithful men of the OT. There was no water baptism back then but yet, God's spirit was on each one of his holy prophets, king david, solomon, and many others mentioned in Hebrews 1.

    We have to remember that the water baptism is one of repentence. We are symbolizing to others that we are repenting of our sins and dedicating our life to Jesus. But it is the baptism by Holy Spirit that is even more important then the symbolic water baptism. That is the true baptism, the sealing of you for God. Once you recieve this, you will know that you have been approved by him. (see Romans 8)

    So yes, someone can be baptized like the bible says "with water" but if you already were baptized this way and then recieved the promised Holy Spirit, do you need to do it again? I do not believe so. Why would you when God has already shown you that he has accepted you?

    But if it really bothers your conscience that your only baptism was by the jws, or if you haven't recieved the Holy Spirit yet, then yes you should be rebaptized by a fellow Christian or Christian church.

    Hope this answers your Q's. Peace to you. Lilly

  • Leprechaun

    NO, but I do WANT want to right away, the Dubs are a cult I don’t think Jesus wanted us to get baptized into one. a bunch of Freeks!

  • Chalam

    Hi Lilly,

    Thanks for your post. I agree with what you have said.

    For sure, baptism is symbolic and I believe not imperative for salvation. That said, believers are told to do it!

    The only thing I think that needs pointing out is who was doing the baptising in your case? Certainly, JWs are not born again believers.

    Neither, was it a profession of your faith in Jesus Acts 19:4 Acts 8:12, rather the WT god "jehovah"

    You seem at peace with the situation which is cool. I suggest asking the Lord about the matter directly if you haven't already. The Holy Spirit will let you know if the JW baptism is OK.



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