Do you still contribute for literature, give to the worldwide work, kingdom hall fund or contribute towards the upkeep of your local KH? If you do - why?
Question for still active JW's / Faders
by cantleave 33 Replies latest jw friends
No, but I do give to charities now; something no self-respecting JW would ever dream of doing.
Freeatlast1914, We have done the same. Cancelled out Standing order to the congregation and give to conservation charities instead.
no way, they do not deserve it from me.
No, not at all. I think I must cost the society by keeping me well stocked with books I dont read, and magazines I don't distribute.
Sapphy I do the same - order all th expensive end of year stuff and other special stock items and don't pay for any of it. Still have massive mag order which goes straight into the recycling bin and keep losing my bible so have to get a new one.
It is been awhile since we went to any KH, but my husband handled accounts in several congregations. He could tell when people were unhappy with the administration, they would "vote with their pocketbook." There tended to be more in the box for utilities, etc., then for the "worldwide work." We donated for the utlities except the last year we went.
No, I do not.
Ever since I read about the pedophilia settlements, they have not received one dime from me.
Like others, I give to other charitable causes instead.
No way would I give money to support protecting child molesters. If they need money, they can sell a building.
We stopped giving anything about a year before we finally left.