You are the one who tried to say Jesus was just like the Horus myth. That is why I showed you evidence to the contrary. As far as other savior Gods, like Perry said there is simply none like Jesus. People have been making that claim to me for more than 20 years and whenever I ask them for specific references to this, they can never seem to provide them. I have personally looked into all the accusations by doing deep research into whether or not jesus was like Horus, Zeus, Gilgamesh, etc. and have always found this accusation to be grasping at straws. There is always much more difference between these stories then similiarities between them and jesus.
Do yourself a favor and don't just believe utube or someone else who puts an article up on the web with no references, go to the library yourself and check these things Out. Thats what I did and I am glad I did.I also have an extensive library in my home of books on religion, myths, etc. So I can go right to the source. Again, if you can give me any references I can varify, I am sure I have the book at home and will glady look it up.
You said the bible leaves us in the dark about the age of the universe - the thing is that God never told mankind what the age of the universe is and why would he? Yes modern science can guess at its age and are probably close to it, but it is only a guess. Unless we were around when the universe was formed, we have no way of conclusively knowing for sure.
And since the bible is not a scientific textbook but rather a faith book, we shouldn't expect the answers to Q's like these to be addressed in it.