Hi all,
I'm an ex-jw, and like most jws I was terrified with the idea of being left at the mercy of 'demons' and suchlike whilst in the state of hypnosis. A few months ago I gave hypnotherapy a try, and for the most part was disappointed. It's a very mundane experience. You remain aware of your surroundings at all times, and feel completely conscious. You dont go into another dimension, or become possessed by fallen angels, and you dont go to seventh heaven and converse with your dead ancestors!
I tried hypnotherapy to reduce the amount of alcohol I was consuming. Did it work? Well for the first 4-5 nights or so, yes, it certainly did. But after it wore off I went back to my bad habits. I have heard of people giving up smoking because of hypnotherapy, but I think it depends on your level of susceptibility to hypnosis.
It cost me 50 pounds (around 80 US dollars or so?) for the session, not exactly cheap, but it was worth giving it a try.
Anybody who is considering hypnotherapy and is being held back by the indoctrination they have suffered at the hands of the WT should just go ahead and do it, there is nothing mystical about it. Just make sure you can afford it though, its not cheap!