Have you ever tried/would you try hypnotherpy?

by highdose 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • highdose

    I know some people who swear by it. and i know that according to the JW's its meant to be one of the ultimate wicked things to do but now that i've debunked most of what they taught me i''m starting to wonder.

    So does anyone have experiance with this?

  • God_Delusion

    Look into my eyes, not around my eyes, but into the centre of my eyes. When I click my fingers, you will forget that you ever asked such a question.


    And, one, two, three, four, five, awake......

  • iMARX

    Haha, I'd not try it just yet. I'm still getting used to saying Merry Christmas. I know some people that have tried it. E.g. my colleague smoked like 2 packs a day and as soon as she saw a hypnotist, she hasn't had a cigerette, it makes her feel sick. This was about 3 or 4 years ago now.

    I think it does work on some people, I also saw a load of students at my college freshers week be hypnotised but just for fun, so they were pretending to milk cows and stuff. It was so weird but cool!

  • God_Delusion

    Sorry to hijack your thread HD; well, after hypnotizing you, you shouldn't be able to remember what this thread is about anyway, therefore, I'm not sorry :-)

    iMARX, how did you get your avatar (not great James Cameron film, but the image under your username)?


  • bulgogiboy

    Hi all,

    I'm an ex-jw, and like most jws I was terrified with the idea of being left at the mercy of 'demons' and suchlike whilst in the state of hypnosis. A few months ago I gave hypnotherapy a try, and for the most part was disappointed. It's a very mundane experience. You remain aware of your surroundings at all times, and feel completely conscious. You dont go into another dimension, or become possessed by fallen angels, and you dont go to seventh heaven and converse with your dead ancestors!

    I tried hypnotherapy to reduce the amount of alcohol I was consuming. Did it work? Well for the first 4-5 nights or so, yes, it certainly did. But after it wore off I went back to my bad habits. I have heard of people giving up smoking because of hypnotherapy, but I think it depends on your level of susceptibility to hypnosis.

    It cost me 50 pounds (around 80 US dollars or so?) for the session, not exactly cheap, but it was worth giving it a try.

    Anybody who is considering hypnotherapy and is being held back by the indoctrination they have suffered at the hands of the WT should just go ahead and do it, there is nothing mystical about it. Just make sure you can afford it though, its not cheap!

  • cantleave

    Nothing to worry about, there are no demons waiting to possess you.

  • QuestioningEverything

    I would try it.

  • maputo95

    I tried Hypnotherapy twice, once to stop smoking and once to stop taking nicotine gum; both times it failed. Hubbard says any psycho-state such as schizophrenia can be induced through hypnotism. Mmmmm, interessant!

  • geevee

    I have spent two years studying to be a Clinical Hypnotherapist. I haven't started practicing it yet.

    All JW's should acknowlege that they have been under the influence of Hypnosis the whole time they have been IN.....

    Hypnosis is:

    1] Bypassing the critical factor of the conscious mind

    2] The giving and accepting of suggestions.

    That is hypnosis in a nut shell. We all go through stages of hypnosis every day. The ad comes on tv, next thing we are looking for a chocolate bar.

    WOW! is that public talk over already! The time just flew! Prayer is the same as a group hypnotherapy session. Consider that with your eyes closed, one of your senses is disabled your concentration is all the more focussed. The critical factor bypassed, the suggestions go straight in!

    I could go on. Also in hypnosis, you are NOT comatose. In fact your senses are heightened.

  • VoidEater

    No worries about hypnotherapy.

    Hubbard scares me more than Xeno.

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