Facebook is not so popular in this part of the world, but still my wife said that an elder advised youngsters about social networking sites. He said that if you have a profile on a site like that, usually there's a zone to write about your hobbies, what you do, etc., so a wise 'christian' would use that space to talk about his 'sacred service'. Seems people here are rather secretive about that in public.
Facebook condemned
by straightshooter 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
So that might prevent a vitamin drug raid at the skateboard rink. But, what happens if the police show up at the Kingdumb Hell and start accusing people of hiding pedophiles? I think obstruction of justice in pedophile cases, especially when the victim is threatened with disfellowshipping, is more serious than a casual involvement in a drug case. Besides, if you are not doing any drugs, you might not get busted. And, when is the last time a drug bust happened in a skateboarding rink? Chances are, if anyone is doing drugs there and the place is under management, that is grounds to get kicked out of the park.
About all they are doing is preventing fun. Bans on skateboarding amount to bans on meeting the opposite sex, and they are afraid that fornication is going to happen any time the opposite sex meets (try telling me that). And, the Facebook ban is nothing more than information control and preventing witlesses from finding out that the world isn't all rotten after all.
Of course, this varies from congregation to congregation. There has been no official condemnation of Facebook/Myspace/etc. from the Society. But I expect more local needs talks, mentions from the platform at circuit assemblies, etc., in the coming months and years.
That is so sad, and I see it all the time. Depends on what KH you attend and how strict are the elders to allow certain privileges.