The first Biblical account regarding Satan in Genesis shows him offering humans something that Yahweh chose to withhold from them: the knowledge of good and bad. It also has Yahweh telling Adam and Eve that if they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad that they would die that same day.
According to the account, Satan reassured Eve that "you will positively not die, for God knows that in the very day of your eating from it your eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like God, knowing good and bad." (Genesis 3:1-5)
My questions are:
- Why would a benevolent God not want his most supreme creation, one made in his own image, to NOT know the difference between good and bad? Isn't that one of the basic jobs of being a parent (which God supposedly is to mankind) - teaching one's children right from wrong?
- If Adam and Eve did not know good and bad, and God did, how could they truly have been made in God's image?
- If God told Adam that he would die "in the very day" of eating from the tree, and Adam and Eve did NOT die "in the very day", like Satan told Eve, who exactly was the liar?
Personally, I don't think Satan should be painted as the bad guy. He gets people to question authority and stand up to injustice. God is just a bully. I think it's all allegory and metaphor rather than actual entities duking it out in the spirit realm, but Satan really does get a bad rap.
I have a similar take on Judas Iscariot.