If a JW who just did not go to services,congregations ,or anything in the JW realm,are they still JW's or disassociated ones? Also,does he/she had to go to a congregation and do it officially? Hope for replies.
JW's who have not set foot in a congregation in years
by homejah 10 Replies latest jw friends
The term for a JW who doesn't attend meetings or field service, yet has not been DF'd yet, is inactive. However, they'll probably be treated as if they were DF'd or DA'd.
choosing life
You would only be considered DA'd if you did something that jws don't allow and the elders find out about it. Like joining the army, celebrating holidays, living with your boy/girl friend, and on and on.
Some have been DA'd without even knowing it was announced. If you keep a low profile, you can fly below the radar. Good luck!
Keep ya head down, stay below the radar, & you could do what i did, move to another country, but, they will catch up with me soonr or later, i have no doubts about that, it's just who gets in 1st I get DFd or I DA myself, Kevin
I must have been out of the insular, cult-like environment of jws for so long that I really cant understand why someone who has been awake to the lies of the WT for any amount of time would want to 'fly below the radar'? I would write a letter to my local congregation formally telling them to get stuffed, if I thought they cared!
I think people to tend to overestimate how much interest others in the congregation have in them: My mum was a loyal witness, and fell away after my (non jw) dad passed away, but she stills puts jws/WT on a pedestal and believes in their tripe 100%. None of her so-called brothers and sisters gives a damn about her, or comes round to see how she is getting on. Having said that, my Mum and I were the only ones in our family in the jws. I suppose if you are part of a 30+ member 'mini-clan' in the hall (which seems very likely considering marriage options) then it might be different.
Yea.....they are 'inactive'.
If an inactive wants to DA.....'officially'......the preferred route is to send a letter of DA to the BOE that has their publisher card......
.......or ........
I supose they could send a DA letter to the WTS-NY (or local branch) which includes the location of your publisher card.
If you do not turn in a field circus report in a month, you become irregular. If you do not turn in a field circus report in 6 contiguous months, even if you are still going to boasting sessions, you are inactive. If you do not go to boasting sessions and do not turn in field circus slips, you are still inactive (though many times they will assume you are doing things to get disfellowshipped).
troubled mind
My husband ,youngest son and I have been "inactive" for four years now . The Elders have never made a sheparding call or brought the C.O. over for and encouraging word ....
Yet this year I set out some lights and evergreen on my porch railing and a lighted deer in the yard ....That got their attention . This past Sunday two Elders stopped by on the premise that they wanted us to know about the meeting time changes ....WHATEVER ....What he finally came out and asked was "Are you now celebrating Christmas ?"
Because I was sick I just ignored the question and told them I needed to get back inside . I did tell them they could come back again .
I wanted to give thought to what I want to say and how I want to do it . For me sending a DA letter seems to feel like I still think they have some type of power over me . Where as just refusing to tell them anything is letting them know I don't feel they have any rights to my personal life ,and I do not need to give explainations to anyone about what I may do or don't do .
I am ready now for their next visit . First with questions to them on why they consider themselves shepards yet ignored us for four yrs ? What is their true motivation in coming to our home now? is it out of genuine love or just finally a reason to DF ? I may go on to ask why celebrating a holiday is such a big deal any more, the scriptures even say not to judge others for the feast days they keep , Yet now it is acceptable and considered a conscience matter to take blood fractions from Blood we were told to abstain from ?
No thanks I don't want your interference in my personal decisions anymore !
inactive is the term
no theywere wellcomed,but the problem is that he has a hard time to resume his former activity