Is the GB Bloodguilty?

by LostGeneration 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I did a little survey last week on here, the result was that out of 43, only 9 converted from door to door work, 7 of those in the 1960s.

    The preaching work is not about converts. It is about keeping the flock so damn busy they dont have time to think.

    And even if it was the chosen method of God, it would still not be about converts... "this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth and then the end will come". It matters not whether anybody pays attention. Just the work.


  • JAFO
    So why doesn't the GB use modern technology to preach their message? If these really are the last days, isn't it more important to reach as many people as possible so the Armageddon doesn't come an God has to kill billions? Shouldn't we see the WT spending some of their cash on internet advertising, infomercials, radio stations, full page newspaper ads and the like?

    Shhh.. don't give 'em ideas.. don't forget, they actually used to have their own radio stations once upon a time.. do you really want to have the airwaves/bandwidth/papers/magazines clogged up with jaydub horseshit?

  • nugget

    According to recent watchtowers only the faithful a discreet slave have the commission to preach. Of the Faithful and diacreet slave only the GB actually speaks for God. The R&F are belongings they help out but if things go pear shaped it isn't their problem. So seeing as it is the responsibility of 9 men to tell the whole world then yes, they are bloodguilty. 9 men could get to billions if they utilised modern methods. The fact that they choose to make the R&F spend time on pointless activity says more about control of the belongings they own rather than an honest desire to reach the world.

  • Dark Knight
    Dark Knight

    Two words: Free Labour

  • sir82

    That and the fact that at a minimum, 3 billion people, likely far more, have never even heard the word "Jehovah", much less realize that "Jehovah's Witnesses" even exist, even much less have listened to any sort of "preaching & teaching"....then yeah, by their own self-imposed standards, they're bloodguilty. They've done a piss-poor job of "preaching throughout all creation".

    Some territories in Brooklyn get covered monthly, meanwhile, 1+ bilion Chinese, 1+ billion Indians, nearly a billion Muslims, and hundreds of millions of others don't get so much as a tract.

    Why does Jehovah hate the eastern hemisphere so much?

  • gubberningbody

    Yes. When I was a true believer I was the one who started the telephone witnessing before they started pushing it. I also got a mag tape from the utility department to get the actual phone numbers and names from people who lived in apt complexes so we could be direct about our calls. I also developed a database of hispanic surnames and provided names and addresses for the Spanish congregations in a number of areas besides our own. I also pushed for street witnessing on the areas around the campuses and other areas.

    The CO thought I was out of line.

    Yeah, the BORG sucks ass when it comes to doing what they could do to put the message out.

  • moshe

    When it comes to preaching the good news of the kingdom and fulfilling the commission to tell Everyone, then no they are not bloodguilty. There will be no new order and no resurrection of the dead, so they are just preaching to the wind. The real reason they don't use modern communications, is it would put JW's out of work and if they aren't doing busy work, then they have more time to have an epiphany about the false WT teachings and actually leave the KH. The JW's buy literature and then give it away for free, so the WT org continues to have an income stream that doesn't even depend on any worldly person actually reading the magazines left at their door. Using TV to spread the good news would cost them money upfront- it's cheaper to let the JW's burn their gas covering the neighborhood for the 100th time.

  • fokyc

    Oh! Melita; you are here too! Sorry that IS the wrong answer,

    the GB are Bloodguilty because of their lies.


  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    the preaching work is like playing music while the gb unloads the train & directs people to the gas chambers bloodguilty yes


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