How Easy Would It Be to Disconnect From Your Online Life?

by daniel-p 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    We are all one nuke away.

    Judge Dread

  • jamiebowers

    I couldn't stand it!

  • Quillsky

    I think we're extremely fortunate to live in a connected age. I embrace my connectivity, leverage it properly and enjoy it.

    Unfortunately some people use connection as a proxy for living real lives. It is these people that must think about their use, or abuse, of their online lives.

  • AwSnap

    The only two sites that I ever post comments is here on jwn and on facebook. I would be very depressed without either , although I used to read a lot more books before I found jwn . In fact,since today is a lazy Christmas day, I'm gonna shut my computer off in....uhhhh....6ish7ish hours and read a book! jk, i'll be done with ya in about an hour MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  • DJK

    I'm in the process of doing just that. I have deactivated about 15 social site accounts, facebook will stay. I cant' deactivate the discussion forums, I did remove all from my favorites list except JWS and JWN. I'll be spending less time on the internet.

  • blondie

    I don't consider this much different than disconnecting from the phone line. When we travel we take our laptop and sometimes use the hotel business computer. But we are more involved in why we went on vacation. Phone calls and computer time are greatly reduced. The only phone we have is a Tracfone which we keep for emergencies on our trips. I also consider this similar to tv viewing or video game playing. It is a matter of keeping it balanced.

  • Heaven

    I'm an IT person so being online is necessary for me to do my job. The leisure activites online fluctuate for me depending on how much time I have. There are necessities I accomplish online such as learning/education, shopping as well as communicating with family and friends via Facebook and email.

    This is presently the only forum/discussion board I am involved in (unless Facebook counts). I can't see myself not being online.

  • zagor

    I don't think its that hard. But of course it all depends where one stands. There was a time when coming here or to other forums had its real importance. Over time though you grow out of it. Like my friend said the other day over a beer, when his marriage blew up he spent shitload of time online talking to people, visiting dating sites etc but when innitial shocked passed his old self returned and he stopped doing it.
    Likewise, there was a time I could talk only to very specific kind of people who understood what I was going through at that particular time and if that meant they were manily online then that's where I spent my time. In case of ex-jw that is often the only way. But sooner or later you grow out of it and can leave it at the drop of a hat, just like anything else in life. The only thing that can keep one coming, in my opinion, is if they formed deep friendships along the way

  • moshe

    It wouldn't be hard at all, but I would sure miss having electricity more!

  • What-A-Coincidence

    I wish many would take that advice that are on here like ... anti-conspiracy theorists

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