Working for a JW, what a horrible experience...

by HappyGuy 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    They use a distorted interpretation of the workers in the vinyard parable.

    In it all workers got the same wage, whether they worked all day, or came in at the end of the afternoon.

    The ones who had worked all day complained asking why those who came later got the full days pay.

    The master said " you agreed to my conditions of service didnt you?"

    They take this to mean that if you work for them, you have agreed to their shitty conditions of service, and should not complain.


  • designs

    A few JWs I knew that had their own businesses ran them decently, many others tried to skirt the laws especially on overtime pay and never giving raises.

    Probably the most honest individual I have subcontracting from now is a Muslim, the most dishonest persons this past year were the self proclaimed 'born againers'.

    You just don't let your guard down in business and just make sure people do whatever the contract or agreement says they are to do. Cross your t's and dot your i's.

  • Tristram

    I would never work for JW's again, the things that annoy me about the constant invasion of privacy in my private life cross over to the work place. Plus there is absolutely no regard for non-JW's and their beliefs, feelings, or observations. A total lack of respect. I apologized several times to non-JW's about boorish, insensitive JW behavior with a sheepish "Not all of us are like that."

    But I also worked for a faded JW and that was just as bad because he knew the whole JW system and thought process and used it to his advantage regarding holidays, end of year bonuses etc. In fact he ran the place like a mini-Bethel. But then again if I was supposed to be a good little JW I wouldn't have had any problem with that either.

  • chickpea

    never worked for a JW
    (other than hundreds
    of hours of volunteer
    labor in their businesses
    and on their homes!!)

    however, i did hire several for
    contract work.... and as
    was already said, some
    were sterling and others
    were total a$$hats

  • WTWizard

    I have had a witless department manager that was trying to get all witlesses in the department. It was a fiasco. Everything anyone did in that department was exactly how he told them to do it, and I have heard him and his witless crew arguing constantly about something the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger wrote. They tried getting me involved with their time wasting arguments--I told them that, if it really mattered that much to them, they needed to dig through the littera-trash themselves and find out what the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger says for themselves.

    That department was a total disaster. People were continually complaining about getting time off for field circus, and the one worldly person that would not become a witless was always getting the short end of the deal. The witlesses always tried to do just the bare minimum of work. And they would b**** about the witless manager, who would continually threaten people with getting taken to the hounders in work meetings (which wasted a half hour a week on average). He would threaten with judicial action for work problems that should have been handled instead by the company policy.

    Nor did the all-witless crew last long. I was in the department all of two months before requesting a transfer to another department (thank you, whoever it was that got caught sleeping on the pallet). Others simply up and quit, citing that the job was too much work or that the general manager was trying to force them to miss the Grand Boasting Sessions. The department manager ended up getting fired because, when one of his crew called in sick, he had to work alone. He tried grabbing me out of my new department, but I was needed in the department I was scheduled. He knocked down displays on purpose and left them there all night, and ended up getting fired for that. Another witless replaced him, only to get fired for sleeping on the job. Eventually, there were no more witlesses on that crew--they either quit, got fired, or (in my situation) turned apostate.

    And yes, he was in everyone's business. I can remember one time he gave me two days off in a row, and demanded that I spend time in field circus on my time off--both days. He went so far as to check on me to make sure I actually did field circus both days. When he found I did it only one day, he started scheduling me to work 6 days so I couldn't have time off without field circus. After the transfer to the other department, he was still trying to probe into my skipping boasting sessions and not putting in 200 hours a month in field circus. Keep in mind that this is the same slimebag that dragged me into the cancer in the first place.

    I must say that the other department, run by worldly people, is much better. At least I don't have to answer to him for what I did off the clock, or get threatened beyond the workplace for failures committed within the job.

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