Just an update for you all!!!

by HyTech 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • HyTech

    Hello again everyone.

    My wife just called me at work to inform me the same 2 elders that paid us a visit the other night stopped by this morning ( while I wasn't home, of course!). They said they wanted to talk to her about the way she felt about the organization. She basically said the same things I did and they told her that there would be a letter of disassociation read at the next meeting. She asked them their reason for stopping by after all this time and they said something about caring for the flock. She asked them why they hadn't cared for the last 3 years and they did not know what to say. This is the first time I ever heard of an elder at a loss for words! Anyway, they asked her why we did not just disassociate ourselves a long time ago and she told them that she did not want to come across someone she used to know on the street or anywhere else for that matter and have them completely ignore her and she was also wondering why these same people never bothered to even see how we were doing for the past 3 years. They told her that no one has been associating with us because of a letter that I wrote to the GB 3 years ago questioning some of the teachings. My wife said she only thought of asking after they left "How did the entire cong find out about a letter that I wrote to the GB?" Anyway, they told her that after they make the announcement that we were da'ing ourselves, that as a consequence, we would be shunned by the entire cong and all other witnesses. They also told her that by being shunned she may eventually change her mind and come back into the org. She asked them how being treated that way would ever make her want to come back to that. They didn't appreciate that comment and told her that she deserves whatever she gets for becoming 'part of the world' and 'returning like a dog to his vomit'. She then asked them how it felt that their beloved org. has been riding the back of the great whore by being a member of the UN. (info that I got off this site, by the way. Thanks!) They told her that this was just a rumor being spread by apostates and there was no truth to it. This was when she showed them a printout of the letter to the UN. They were so taken aback! She said they actually looked at each other like they knew that it was the truth and they were wondering how we got this info. She also asked them about the 'Pay Attention to yourselves and all the Flock' Book that is given to elders. They again said they had no idea what she was talking about. She then proceeded to show them a copy of this also and they did not know which way to turn. She caught them in 3 lies in the space of 5 minutes. They asked her if she would please give them the book as it is only to be read by elders and she informed them she would not hand it over as it did not belong to them and she has not shown it to everyone yet! These 2 elders were quite pissed, to say the least. They eventually left after finding out their scare tactics would not make her come back to the fold, so to speak. Anyway, thank you all for your comments on my previous posts and I just cannot explain how I and my wife feel right now. It feels like the weight of the world has been lifted off our shoulders. Thanks again for letting me vent.

  • Angharad

    Sorry you've been treated this way. I agree that it is a relief in the end.

    BTW I love the way your wife said that she hadn't shown the book to everyone yet, Brillient. I'd have loved to have seen their faces

  • mindfield

    Congratulate your wife for me, man! She can sure kick @$$!

    And congratulations on your progress! I personnally enjoy reading accounts like these.

  • libra_spirit

    Awesome post, thanks for passing that on to us all here!
    I wished I had been so prepared way back when they came to kick me out some 25 years ago.

  • moman

    A job well done!


  • lydia

    Congrats on not being bullied by them!! Sorry that you are having the problems with them..I know how hard that is - they never want to do anything until they feel like it may look bad to the rest of the cong. - sad, very sad.
    I do love the fact that she was able to stand her ground and point out to them the falsehoods they are being fed by the GB. May it have an affect on they for the good - that they too start questioning and leave the mind controll and lies of the Borg!!!!
    May you enjoy the peace of being Free at last!

  • rhett

    Dude, your wife kicks ass. Please keep us posted on any further events as this is one of the best stories I've ever read about the JW's. This is all just too funny. Talk about really nailing them to the wall.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • MadApostate

    I'm not sure when "the next meeting" is, but if you want them off your back, try this:

    (If you have time, I suggest spending a couple bucks and send this registered/certified mail.)


    January 3, 2002

    --City--, --State-- Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
    9234 Tyree Street
    --City--, --State-- 00000

    To Whom It May Concern:

    Your harassing inquiries into our personal affairs are not welcomed, and any further attempts at such will result in legal action against the individual harassers, the --City--, --State-- Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, Inc., and all associated Watchower legal entities.

    To the best of our recollection, we have not participated in Field Service in approximately __ months, have attended no Meetings in approximately __ months, nor have we participated in any other activities which would specifically identify us as Jehovah's Witnesses during the same time period.

    Based on these, and other facts, it is our position that the Watchtower organization has no legal right to inquire into our personal affairs, nor does it have the legal right to take any organizational action which would become public knowledge.

    Nothing communicated previously, nor in this letter, nor any personal actions, are intended to be, nor should be construed as constituting what the Watchtower organization labels as "Disassociation".

    If any public announcement is made by the Watchtower organization that we have chosen to "Disassociate" ourselves, or that we have been "Disfellowshipped", then we will proceed with legal action against the individual Elders, the --City--, --State-- Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, Inc., and all associated Watchtower legal entities.

    Hereafter, no agent or other representative of the Watchtower organization has permission to enter onto our residential property, nor communicate with us via telephone or email. Trespassers will be subject to criminal prosecution and civil liability.

    If further communication is deemed necessary, please limit such to written letter transmitted via mail service. Such communication is not solicited, and we reserve the right to proceed with legal action if such communication violates our legal rights.


    Joe Blow

    Jolene Blow



  • JT

    Mad A

    you are one cold bloodied dude man


  • Simon

    Way to go Mrs HyTech !

    It's amazing how much 'better' you feel when you finally tell them to "shove it"

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